The real estate crisis in Spain left several works unfinished and abandoned throughout our country. In many cases these works have been retaken, providing solutions that have resulted in great projects., full_html
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Outside view of House in Torre Pinar by Magén Arquitectos. Photograph © Pedro Pegenaute
The old offices of the Palace of Versailles become the main entrance for visitors and tourists of french Chateau set.

Maintaining the structural casing interior becomes a reflection of what represents the French Baroque., full_html
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Dufout Pavilion by Dominique Perrault. Photography © Christian Milet / Château de Versailles
From June 15, the Bauhaus Trinkhalle reopens. The small Drinking Hall designed by Edgar Ludwig in 1932 based on ideas of Mies van der Rohe, director of the school of Dessau at that time. Along with the rehabilitation of Masters’ House settlement in…
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The reconstruction of Gropius' garden wall including the kiosk for non-alcoholic drinks inserted by Mies van der Rohe and Edgar Ludwig in 1932. Photograph © Lena Böhnlein / Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
The largest exhibition of decoration, design and interior architecture of Europe opens its 51st edition on May 19th in the singular building Casa Palacio Atocha 34 in Madrid and will be opened till June 26th., full_html
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Façade of Casa Palacio Atocha 34 by Manuel Espejo and Ruben Olmos. Image courtesy of Casa Decor 2016
Last month, the Yale Center for British Art opened its doors to the general public after a eight-year closure forced by the general restoration works proposed by Knight Architecture LLC. The building is the last work designed by the renowned…
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Library court after the reinstallation. Yale Center for British Art by Louis Kahn. Image © Richard Caspole
The ground floor apartment rehabilitated in Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain) by Sauquet Arquitectes i Associats to be enabled as their workspace consists of a long and narrow apartment which follows the common residential type of the early twentieth…
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This is one of the best examples of learning architecture. A group of students and teachers perform holistically rehabilitation of a medieval building in the city of Toledo. , full_html
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OMA’s restoration of the 16th Century Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice is complete. Commissioned by the Benetton family in 2009 to transform the 9,000m2 building into a department store, now under a leasing agreement with Hong Kong-based DFS. OMA has…
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Fondaco dei Tedeschi by OMA. Photograph © Delfino Sisto Legnani, Marco Cappelletti
Re-Edificatoria is a photographic project on the encounter between the built and the "to be built". A photographic series that chronicles the time of transition in which each intervention is a cover layer to the previous one until the final result…
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Sample of Re-Edificatoria. Photograph © Adrià Goula
2016 Architecture Biennale opened to the public on May 28th in Venice, city in which Carlo Scarpa developed much of his work. One of them, his intervention at the Palazzo Querini Stampalia is developed around four articulated themes linked to…
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Palazzo Querini Stampalia by Carlo Scarpa. 1961-1963. Image courtesy of Fondazione Querini Stampalia