As an imperturbable spectator of Barcelona, this complex has witnessed the history of Spain without interruption. It was part of the original Iberian people, bunker during the Civil War and evolved into little housing bill during the war., full_html
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Turó de la Rovira by AAUP + JDVDP. Photography © Lourdes Jansana
A set of apartments for local turists that do easily have one of the best views in the city of Porto. Facing the Ribeira, the result of balancing the history of the site and the integration in the landscape lead to a contundent result of massive…
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Oh!PortoApartments by Nuno de Melo e Sousa + Hugo Ferreira. Photography © José Campos
In preparation for the reopening of the Rose Main Reading Room, watch 52,000 books being just two minutes , full_html
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Dedicated to greyhound racing, the only pure Spanish race, this building had its splendor between the 60s and 2000. Once ceased its main activity has been combined use in planning. Reconverted park endowments for the neighborhood, its main building…
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Under a rectangular plot of 4,000 sqm in the street Jaume Càncer Sarria-Sant Gervasi, there is an underground building dating from the nineteenth century, with a capacity of 3,100 cubic meters of water, which has now been restored to become center…
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Rei Martí's Tank by ARCHIKUBIK. Photograph © Adrià Goula.
The Neues Museum is featured in the 4th edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale. The Triennale is an open platform for debate, research and the promotion of contemporary architecture. , full_html
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Planning for Reconstruction floor medieval hall. Courtesy of David Chipperfield Architects
A small-scale project that enriches bonds amongst communities and revives Hutong life., full_html
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Hutong Children’s Library and Art Centre, Beijing (Architect: ZAO / standardarchitecture / Zhang Ke) Photograph ©  Su Shengliang, ZAO, standardarchitecture
Popularly known as the 'Old Millfun' or 'the 1933', the Municipal Abattoir was erected in
the middle of the vibrant urban landscape of a pre-communist Shanghai. Its design,
which belongs to British architects, is massive outside and open…
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We're used to the rehabilitation of buildings that Portuguese architects do with special delicacy, but not for that reason should we ignore Casa do Rosário, as it wouldn't leave us indifferent. Its light invades the whole space of this elongated…
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Rosario House by depA + Margarida Leitão. View of the interior facade. Photograph © José Campos
With the excuse of Architecture Week, Open House Madrid offers guided tours of the building, the heart of culture in Madrid and that, since 1915, has brought together the most renowned figures of the international cultural scene. Come and discover…
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Residencia de Estudiantes of Madrid. Exterior view of the central pavilion from the Duque de Alba bench. Image from the Residencia de Estudiantes of Madrid Archive, courtesy of Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid