Today the official announcement of the Pritzker Architecture Prize has been at Fundación Hyatt, in Chicago, at 5:00 pm (EDT New York), USA and 9:00 pm (CET) Spain, Europe. The award is granted each year to honor a living architect whose built work…
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Shigeru Ban courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
On Tuesday, April 1, YASHAR Hanstad member of the Norwegian group TYIN Tegnestue, will give a lecture about his interesting work, at School of Alcalá, at 12.30 h., full_html
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Cassia Coop Training Centre. Photography © Pasi Aalto
“Futurism, 1909-1944: Reconstructing the Universe” is an stunning exhibition curated by Vivien Greene for the Guggenheim in New York. The exhibition has the unquestionable bonus of being extremely informative and equally inclusive, to encourage the…
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Trailer of the interview for the channel "arte", the architect Rem Koolhaas at De Rotterdam building (released last May 2013) and the next interview trailer showing the CCTV building in Beijing that will be issued next September. , full_html
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These days, finally, is projecting the movie "Building Spain" in Cinematheque Matadero, Madrid. From Saturday until Wednesday 26, various sessions will be held with the presence of the director and collaborators., full_html
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Poster. EDIFICIO ESPAÑA. The Building
On last Friday was the opening day to the new Dongdaemun Design Plaza by Zaha Hadid Architects, in Seoul. The event for the opening is the Seoul Fashion Week between March 21-26, 2014. , full_html
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Poster. 2014 Seoul Fashion Week
The B720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos studio will be in charge of the integral design of the Spanish Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015, after winning the contest of Acción Cultural Española (AC / E) with a proposal "of clear and contained geometry" that…
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Axonometric. Spanish pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 by B720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos
The winners for the 2014 Skyscraper Competition have been announce. This edition marks the ninth anniversary of the competition established in 2006 to recognize outstanding ideas for vertical living through the novel use of technology, materials,…
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The first place was awarded to Yong Ju Lee from the United States for his project “Vernacular Versatility”
The new building "Carmen Martin Gaite" in Carlos III University campus in Getafe houses the new library and the extension of the lecture hall building for Humanities, Journalism, Communication and Documentation. Estudio Beldarraín designed the…
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One of the most important awards in the world in architectural photography, the Julius Shulman, has already winner for 2014. The photographer, Grant Mudford is the 2014 recipient of the Julius Shulman Institute Excellence in Photography Award. The…
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CSR Series, BBC Mine No. 2, Conveyor Towers, 1981. Silver gelatin print, 33 x 29 in. Courtesy Rosamund Felsen Gallery. Photography © Grant Mudford