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The Espace Pierre Tallagrand, an innovative and unique new sports facility, located on a Place d'Armes, in the heart of a historic 18th century town in Dole, in the Jura, France, has been inaugurated by…
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Pierre Talagrand Sports Center by TNA Architectes. Photograph by Paul Kozlowski
The EFFEKT and SLA team designed the Gellerup City Park, creating a…
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Gellerup City Park by EFFEKT + SLA. Photograph by Rasmus Hjortshoj
Escenario Shirokane is a building with a mixed program (residential, commercial and offices) designed by the Japanese studios Sasaki Architecture + Ytro Design…
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Escenario Shirokane building by Sasaki Architecture + Ytro Design Institute. Photograph by Takumi Ota Photography
Mario Roberto Álvarez lived almost one hundred years and more than seventy he dedicated to architecture. Each of his works bears the mark of the rationalist style that found…
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Teatro Municipal General San Martín by Mario Roberto Álvarez and Macedonio Oscar Ruiz. Photograph by Vsdeluca
The successful proposal, designed to connect the entire architectural community of the world, called Virtual World Tour, and which began with its first season at the critical point of the global pandemic, between late 2020 and early 2021, begins its…
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Toyo Ito. Virtual World Tour by Architects, not Architecture
La mujer cactus y el hombre globo is the last single by the Madrid singer Rayden, this song is part of his next album "Homónimo", which will be released on March 19, and will become the rapper…
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La mujer cactus y el hombre globo by Rayden
Casa Lobster is a project designed by El Departamento, an architecture and interior design firm lead by Alberto Eltini and Marina Martín.

The design has as a program an optician…
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Casa Lobster by El Departamento. Photograph by José Hevia
The 10th Rafael Manzano New Traditional Architecture Prize has been awarded to Sergi Bastidas, who has worked chiefly in Mallorca, in both new building and renovation, seeking…
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Can Ferrereta Hotel by Sergi Bastidas. Image courtesy of Premio Rafael Manzano 2021
In the industrial area of the municipality of Agueda, Portugal is the headquarters of the Ramalhos company, one of the world's largest manufacturers of industrial furnaces. The requalification and expansion of its facilities were in charge of the…
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Requalification and expansion of the Ramalhos facilities by Espaço Objecto. Photograph by Ivo Tavares Studio
Zaha Hadid Architects completes Infinitus Plaza in Baiyun, a city in the north of China’s Guangdong province.

The new…
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Infinitus Plaza by Zaha Hadid Architects. Photograph by Liang Xue