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OMA has begun to install its exhibition of projects with Prada at Ca’ Corner della Regina, a 17th century palazzo in Venice and the venue of a new outpost for the Fondazione Prada. The show, which opens on 1 June to coincide with the Biennale,…
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OMA has begun to install its exhibition of projects with Prada at Ca’ Corner della Regina, a 17th century palazzo in Venice and the venue of a new outpost for the Fondazione Prada
The laboratory , full_html
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German designer Moritz Waldemeyer first worked as a research scientist at Philips before moving into design after approaching architect Ron Arad to work on a collaborative project. Waldemeyer fuses electronics and engineering with art and design,…
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An exceptional project. As we learn from our recent past and is about to disappear. , full_html
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Phillis Wheatley Elementary School by Charles R. Colbert - Curtis & Davis, 1954. Photograph by Frank Lotz Miller
"it’s been scientifically proven that everyone is 25% homosexual, but in my case my 25 % is lesbian" Silvio Berlusconi. , full_html
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Harold Berg deposits a unique set of documentary works by Gordon Matta-Clark with the MACBA Foundation, full_html
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Matta-Clark, Gordon Office Baroque, 4th Floor [Documentació de l'acció "Office Baroque" realitzada el 1977 a Anvers, Bèlgica] 1977 Fotografia a les sals de plata  25,3 x 20,3 cm Col·lecció MACBA. Fundació Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Dipòsit Col·lecció LATA
Patricia Meneses, Mexican architect based in Barcelona and projects of extraordinary sensitivity, within the cycle "Efimeras" to be held until 29 May, she will give a lecture at the Sala Arqueria de Nuevos Ministerios next Friday, 27th of 17.30 h.…
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Following the conclusion of the event in Paris, Les Rencontres Internationales flock to the Spanish capital before making way to Berlin (next July). Originally held in Paris and Berlin, the meetings haveMadrid as a third seat since 2007. This new…
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'Les Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin / Madrid'
International Symposium from 26/05/2011 till 28/05/2011 in Graz. Among the Spanish participants include: Luis Fernández Galiano, who will perform the opening ceremony of opening the day 26 and Judith Leclerc who will speak on Saturday 28. , full_html
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On Wednesday 25th May Steven Johnson will talk to us about how innovative ideas have arisen throughout history and the seven fundamental principles that contribute to their appearance., full_html
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Steven Johnson: "De dónde vienen las buenas ideas"