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Created by game designer Eddie Lee,”The Ballad of the Psychotropic Robots” is a C++ /OpenGL procedurally generated audio-visual application (windows only dl) that combines “funkadelic spiritual machines” with generative two dimensional graphics –…
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Bird's eye view photos, like a plan or models in question. Photographer Brett Beyer received the request from Cornell University in New York for a series of photographs of the inside of Milstein Hall, one of the latest and best works of OMA.,…
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Milstein Hall Studios. Cornell College of Architecture, Art and Planning. Fotografía © Brett Beyer
Matadero Madrid will organize, under the leadership of the Italian artist Marinella Senatore, the ambitious project Rosas, a trilogy of operas created for the screen thanks to the selfless participation of non-professionals. , full_html
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Casting held in Matadero Madrid on 29, 30 and 31 May
Como ya os anunciamos, ayer se presentó en Barcelona la propuesta para la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia- Eventi Colateralli, el Pabellón catalán y de las Islas Baleares bajo el título “Vogadors”. La propuesta en su planteamiento teórico era…
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Two years ago, Brooklyn-based architecture practice SO-IL was heaped with praise for a temporary tent erected for New York's PS1 MoMA courtyard.

This year in May were the 23,000sq of a…
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Kukje Art Center by SO-IL. Photography © Iwan Baan
The international festival of photography and visual arts PHotoEspaña2012 will start in Madrid during june a retrospective about Andy Warhol and his studio during the sixties, The Factory. The program includes a film series organized in…
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If you do not know this app for your iPhone, Stilla is an app that will make you say "wowweee…!!". Stilla’s photo results resemble a crystal, a 3D object made of facets blending into each other as you turn it in your hands. , full_html
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The construction of virtual landscapes ever going further. In this case "Breakdown | - HORIZON -" by Mickaël by Forrett (MEO). Here we bring a video presentation that includes the making of "Horizonte". , full_html
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“Once I tried to calm a photographer who was angry after being rejected by Magnum”.“But look at my photos” -he said-. “They are like Cartier-Bresson”. “Yes”- I said- “Sometimes you can not even tell who's who. But there is a difference: Cartier-…
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"Just Light Like" by Gueorgui PINKHASSOV
Arauna Oliva Gallery opens next May 10 the exhibition is titled "El cuento de la lechera" , an ironic title for an exhibition of recent works Concha Prada in which chance and the female body are the protagonists of the latest works of the…
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Lechera,5, 2012. Colour photography 80x100 cm. By Concha Prada