Directed by José Luis de Vicente, in collaboration with EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial. Workshop tutors: Dietmar Offenhuber (SENSEable Cty Lab / MIT), Amber Frid-Jimenez and Andrew Vande Moere (Information Aesthetics)
Presentations and seminar program on June 14 and 15, 2011 during the workshop-seminar Visualizar'11: Understanding infraestructures, an event on the production of projects that will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of infrastructures and global systems. The seminar will take place on June 13 and 14. Free admission. Limited seating. [live streaming]
Workshop: June 14 - July 1, 2011. Seminar: June 14 and 15, 2011
> Call for collaborators (until June 12)
> Selected projects and papers for Visualizar'11: Understanding Infrastructures.
A Visual Atlas of Innovation in Spain by Alberto Gonzalez Paje (Madrid) and Rocío Márquez (Barcelona).
The Visual Atlas of Innovation in Spain aims to display a set of 70 000 points representing innovation driven small and medium size companies based on their geographical location, activity, a bunch of R&D indicators and performance metrics. By doing so, we pursue to have an overview about the spanish innovation infrastructure, find patterns and make comparisons in order to better understand what leads to set up those companies in certain regions or economic sectors. We also want to discover how innovation affects society’s development, by comparing innovation regional hubs with their wealth level, industrial production index or unemployment rate. To allow quick findings and due to its public service nature and size, display design should be user friendly and include filtering and zooming features. During the workshop, we want to create the Visual Atlas using open access software such as Processing or OpenFrameworks and make it available for citizens. As part of the project, we also want to experiment with new ways of human-computer interaction by building a touch table prototype. If you consider it as a real challenge and you want to contribute to its success, come and join us!!!
Reveal-it! by Nina Valkanova (Bulgaria), Juan Pablo Carrascal (Colombia) and Penelope Maldonado (México)
Reveal-it! envisions the idea of revealing on-site data about the citizens’ consumption processes and their interrelations with energy-related infrastructures in urban environments. The project proposes a participatory mobile intervention for interactively discovering and visualizing this data via on-demand projection on urban surfaces. It involves developing interactive infographics for a mobile device equipped with an integrated mini projector and a collaborative website. The objective of Reveal-It! is to provide citizens with ways to discover and reveal data about their use of ubiquitous energy networks by playfully displaying attractive and insightful visualizations in their shared environment, encouraging understanding and reflection.