Arquitectura Expandida group.
Lecture series:
"Obra Reciente de los Arquitectos Españoles Seleccionados en la VII BIAU".
Tuesday, June 21, 2011. 19:30 h
Free access
Venue: El Aulario. Sala La Arquería de Nuevos Ministerios.
Paseo de la Castellana, 67. Madrid
"ARQUITECTURAEXPANDIDA (AXP) is a nomad group working on network sharing in the generation of meeting places since 2009. AXP is a summation of experiences, efforts, intelligence, insights and resources. Through "urban microlaboratories" Pursuing the identification, mapping and managing cultural, political and social city. These are realized through direct action and implementation of urban prototypes. "
AXP are Ana Lopez Ortego (architect / cultural manager, Spain), Felipe González (architect-Colombia), Harold Guyaux (architect-Belgium) and Marina Tejedor (human-cultural manager, Spain).