Urbanism to regenerate the habitat of the near future Santander

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Architects Arquitectos
Landlab, Paisaje Transversal.
Miriam García García. Dirección (Landlab).
Pilar Díaz Rodriguez. Dirección (Paisaje Transversal).
Iñaki Romero Fernández de Larrea. Gestión proyecto (Paisaje Transversal).
Project teams
Landlab.- Ibon Doval Martínez, María Sans Segura, Jordi Miró, Javier García, Clara Guillot, David Camacho.
Paisaje Transversal.- Cristina Rodríguez Ábalos, Cristina Díaz Sánchez, Mireia Carrasco Ferri, Ángela Peralta Álvarez, Jorge Arévalo Martín, Jon Aguirre Such.
Emilio Luque Thumb, sociology
Pedro Bravo Aguilar, story and communication
Ramon Lopez de Lucio, urban planning
Juan Murillo Arias, economics and mobility
Icaro Obeso Muñiz and Felipe Fernandez Garcia, University of Oviedo, geography
Aiguasol. Energy and Waste
Albert García
Oscar Cámara
Neus Agost
Lissette Campoverde
Martí. Riera
Olga Barrachina
Alex Ivancic
Antoni Herena
Societat Orgánica. Agua
Víctor Viscor
Albert Sagrera
Amaia Larrañaga
Víctor Pesquera
Volterra. Suelo y ecología
Marta Múgica Galán
Luis Suárez-Llanos Outeiriño
SUM+Lab - Universidad de Cantabria. Movilidad
Jose Luis Moura Berodia
Borja Alonso Oreña
Spread. Diseño gráfico
David Lorente Zaragoza
Tomoko Sakamoto
Quatre Caps. Renderizado
Dídac Sendra
Miguel Tomas
Juan Suay
Bernat Ivars
Carlos López
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Arquitectura e identidad
Daniel Díez Martínez
Ayuntamiento de Santander, Concejalía de Urbanismo, Cultura y Transparencia.

Miriam García García, Jordi Miró Rábago, Javier García, Clara Guillot, Ibon Doval, Pere Marieges, Carlos Barbero, Maria Sans. LANDLAB

LANDLAB laboratorio de paisajes is an Architecture, Planning, Landscape, Design and Climate Change office, based in Barcelona. LAND LAB, landscape laboratory S.L. was founded by Miriam García García, later merging with Jordi Miró Rábago and currently forming a team with Javier García, Clara Guillot, Ibon Doval, Pere Marieges, Carlos Barbero and Maria Sans. They work in complex environments and at a wide range of scales, from region to place. They integrate ecological systems with technology, design and the place, involving the different agents in the project and maintenance process.

Ecology and landscape are the drivers of change in all his projects, which in a very special way focus on two of the great contemporary crises: climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Many of these works have national and international recognition such as the Prize of the XII Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial or the Good Practice 2012 of the Un-Hábitat Committee.

Transversal Paisaje

Paisaje Transversal emerged in June 2007 when some students of the School of Architecture at the Technical University of Madrid put together some thoughts on the city and territory. At the embryonic stage, they established the basis on which their business has developed during these four years. They believe that the complexity of the environment, whether natural or artificial, requires particular thought and coordinated action across multiple disciplines. In this scenario, the traditionally dominant role of the architect loses force leading to a disciplinary consciousness in which the part of sociologists, artists, biologists, geographers and environmentalists, among many other professions, takes on greater prominence.

The first reflections expressed in the blog were drifting to urban topics. Organizing the workshop "Contemporary metropolitan conditions" on ETSAM in January 2008 marked a before and after in their theoretical concerns. This shift was made finally a year later with the workshop "urban negotiation processes."

In 2010, they organized another workshop entitled "Letters of urban navigation", which dealt with new ways of mapping the city and how the maps can also be powerful tools for proposal. In 2011 they organized the conference "For a future and a city worthy." In September 2011, coinciding with its participation in the VIII-building companies in the UPM, it decided to jump into the profession and create a national association with which they have begun to develop its projects.

Paisaje Transversal has made several presentations related to city planning, citizen participation and urban ecology in various academic and professional forums ("World Congress of urban development INTA35" in Grenoble, France, 2011 and "5 ° CONAMA Local" in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2011, among others) and different teaching and participatory projects (project bottom-up of participatory urban regeneration in the colony Virgen de Begoña, Madrid, 2011).

Since 2011 they have developed more than 200 projects distributed between Spain, Europe and Latin America. Its scope of work covers 4 scales: public space, neighborhood, city and territory. They have received various awards for their career and their innovative contributions in the field of urban planning, such as the 2015 Award for Excellence in the Social Economy of Madrid, the 2016 Arquia Innova Award from the Arquia-próxima Young Spanish Architecture Biennial or the City Award for Best Citizen Commitment 2019.




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