Animation director Jordan Bruner, along with Greg Lytle, have created this animated video for the song Tourniquet by Hem. The video wants to explore the conflict between the desire to develop culturally and the feelings of frustration and isolation that sometimes come along. Hem is a music group established in Brooklyn, New York, featuring Sally Ellyson (vocals), Dan Messé (piano, accordion, glockenspiel), Gary Maurer (guitar, mandolin), Steve Curtis (guitar, mandolin, banjo, vocals), George Rush (bass), Mark Brotter (drums), Bob Hoffnar (pedal steel guitar) and Heather Zimmerman (violin), although they also do some collaborations with other artists.
Saturday music video. (Official Music Video). METALOCUS MUSIC PROJECT.
Hem.- Sally Ellyson, Dan Messé, Gary Maurer, Steve Curtis, George Rush, Mark Brotter, Bob Hoffnar y Heather Zimmerman.
Label.- Nettwerk / Rounder Records.
Director.- Jordan Bruner
Animated by.- Greg Lytle y Jordan Bruner