The full version can only be seen in the Objects gallery, for those who are not in Barcelona a sample is the trailer in open, which can be seen below.
Statement by Adrià Goula
The space is what organises the image, what gives the guidelines for the camara to be followed. Constructed spaces contain a number of axles and aliniacions arising from the development of the project, leftover traces of the plans drawn by the architect. Filming following these traces in order to be able to unfold the space in a comprehensible way. Place yourself and move as requested by the space that we want to explain. This is not a subjective point of view, but an image that emanates from the object itself which is a consequence of his way of being, his way of showing himself. In front of this architectural background curtain, the complex and unpredictable movement of people.
The video consists of a continuos traveling in slow motion along four blocks of houses showing the new redevelopment of the Passeig de Sant Joan of Barcelona. Shot in wide angle from the sidewalk looking perpendicular to the axis of the street, the image unrolls as a complete whole street elevation. People with slow movements, promotes a photographic sense. Accompanied by a musical abstract composition it gives an hypnotic feeling that leads to look at the details, from outside that space and time. The everyday street scenes become customary small still lifes, which looked from another time tinged with a melancholy sense of what one day will be lost.
Este proyecto ha sido producido por Adrià Goula Photo i 15L films con el soporte del Ajuntament de Barcelona i Escofet.
This project is based on the redevelopment of the Passeig de Sant Joan in Barcelona by Lola Domenech and has been produced by Adrià Goula and 15L Films with support from the Ajuntament de Barcelona and Escofet.