Sala em pala by Nuno Melo Sousa

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Nuno Melo Sousa

Nuno Melo Sousa. Architect by the Architecture School of the Porto University in 2011 he has worked in several architecture studios as atelier [A] or with Nuno Brandão Costa where he has developed different works in several typologies and scales as well as the development of architecture competitions.

His architecture studio, which is based in Penafiel, a small town 40 km from Porto, believes in method, provocation and the production of architecture through a collaborative and intuitive process. He shows his work in close relationship with the peculiar construction context in which it is inserted, articulated in simple construction processes determined with and for clients, with the help of local artisans. He also aims to do more with fewer means, seeing sustainability as a way to reuse the existing as a generator.




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