Within the extensive literature produced to interpret the vast work of Jorge Oteiza, this thesis reconstructs on the basis of unpublished documents, some of the brightest architectural projects that were developed by this controversial creator. For the author, Oteiza architectural facet is one of the most overlooked, despite being one of the sculptors who probably has influenced contemporary architecture. And precisely, it is his architectural work, of which here defines a set of invariant capital, where they could reveal some of the most ambitious and important insights from this genius.
The volume presented by Pedro Manterola, with a foreword by Carlos Martí Aris, is the result of the work that won the Fellowship Jorge Oteiza 2005. It is the first book on this subject fully translated into English.
Venue.- Sede de IE, Calle Serrano, 105. Madrid.
Oteiza. Disoccupied Architecture. From Orio to Montevideo
Fernando Moral Andrés
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Pamplona, 2011. 496 pp, 19,1 x 22,3 cm.
ISBN.- 978-84-9769-264-9
Language.- Spanish/English
Price.- €25