New phase of the urban catalyst Banyan Hub by Ecosistema Urbano

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Ecosistema Urbano. Project leaders.- Belinda Tato, Jose Luis Vallejo. Coordination.- Antonella Marlene Milano
Design Team
Luisa Zancada, Jorge Toledo, Marco Rizzetto, Maria Vittoria Tesei, Sara Contreras, Jorge Sedano, Alice Clementi, Alberto García, Estefanía Arrieta, Michele Matteo Marcotulli, Carole Bourgon, Matthew D’Amico, Claudiane Bilodeau.
West Palm Beach CRA - Community Redevelopment Agency
2017 - ongoing
Built gross area.- 48,370 m²
CRA project team
Director CRA.- Jon Ward. Project manager.- Allison Justice

Belinda Tato - Jose Luis Vallejo Ecosistema Urbano

Ecosistema urbano is a Madrid based group of architects, urban designers and professionals specialized in urban innovation projects, operating within the principles of design thinking at the intersection between different disciplines: architecture, urban design, engineering, sociology... 

ecosistema urbano was co founded in 2000 by architects Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo who have been the directors since then. Their approach can be defined as urban social design by which they understand the design of environments, spaces, dynamics and tools in order to improve the self-organization of citizens, social interaction within communities and their relationship with the environment. Ecosistema Urbano has used this philosophy to design and implement projects in urban contexts from different countries: Norway, Denmark, Spain, Italy, France, China, Russia, Paraguay, Bahamas, Ecuador, Bahrein, Honduras, USA, etc...

Ecosistema Urbano is specialized in urban consultancy projects (architecture and urban design), public space quality assessment and leads urban transformation processes (from initial conceptualization to final implementation) working for local, national governments and multilateral agencies. In recent years, their research has focused on the design of public spaces and its climatic conditioning, for contexts and climates as diverse as Bahrain or Norway. They have also designed and developed methodologies that incorporate participatory mechanisms with digital tools to allow collaborative network design.



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