This is the first film dedicated to the marriage of Charles and Ray Eames, primarily known for its half-century furniture, the Eames Office created an incredible variety of products: photography, interiors, multi-media presentations, graphics, games, movies and more. Their proposals and designs using innovative materials such as plywood or fiberglass cover a wide range of proposals. Interior, multimedia presentations, games and toys, photographs and films (we all remember "Power of Ten"). A massive production of material, much unpublished, which has served to flesh out this documentary directed by Jason Cohn and Bill Jersey and narrated by James Franco.
Cast and Crew.
Producers.- Jason Cohn & Bill Jersey.
Editor.- Don Bernier
Narrator: James Franco
Writer.- Jason Cohn.
Co-Producer.- Camille Servan-Schreiber.
Associate Producer & Archivist.- Arwen Curry.
Musical Score.- Michael Bacon.
Executive Producer.-Shirley Kessler.
Produced by Quest Productions and Bread and Butter Films.
Cast.- Lucia (Charles Eames’ daughter) Eames Demetrios (Eames’ grandson) Paul Schrader Richard Saul Wurman (TED Founder) Kevin Roche (Architect) Jeannine Oppewall (former Eames office designer) Deborah Sussman (former Eames office designer) Gordon Ashby (former Eames office designer).