Efficiency and sustainability. San Raffaele Hospital by Mario Cucinella Architects

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Mario Cucinella Architects. Mario Cucinella.
Design team
Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli, Giulio Desiderio, Michele Olivieri; Emanuele Dionig, Martina Buccitti, Alberto Menozzi, Laura Mancini, Giuseppe Perrone, Matteo Donini, Lello Fulginiti, Daniele Basso. Bioclimatic design.- Andrea Rossi. Models.- Yuri Costantini, Ambra Cicognani, Andrea Genovesi. Competition.- Eurind Caka, Stefano Bastia.
Visual.- Engram Studio, Paris Studio.
Façades.- Aza Aghito Zambonini Srl.
Sanitary Layout.- InAr Ingegneria Architettura.
Structural Engineer.- Ballardini Studio di Ingegnaria.
Services Engineer.- Deerns Italia SpA.
Fire Engineers.- Ranieri Studio Tecnico Associato.
IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital.
40,000 sqm.
2015 – 2021.
Milan, Italy.

Mario Cucinella

Mario Cucinella, born in Palermo in 1960, Cucinella studied with Giancarlo De Carlo and started working in Renzo Piano’s studio. He founded Mario Cucinella Architects (MCA) in Paris in 1992. The studio is now operating in Bologna (Italy) since 1999, with an international team of more than 50 architects, engineers and designers. Between 1998 and 2006 he was temporary professor at the Architectural Technology Laboratory of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University, and he has been an Honorary Professor at Nottingham University since 2004. In the second semester of 2013 he is Guest Professor in Emerging Technologies at Technische Universität in Munich, and he is also currently Temporary Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Federico II University in Naples. He is a 'Keynote Speaker' on the scientific committee of PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), an international organisation for the promotion of the principles of sustainable architecture and urban design all over the world through conferences, workshops and publications. 

Cucinella has been awarded numerous international prizes such as the “Kunstpreis 99” - Forderungspreis for Architecture of the Akademie der Kunste in Berlin in 1999; the Outstanding Architect Award of the World Renewable Energy Congress VIII in Denver, Colorado in 2004; the "International Architecture Award" for his SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building presented by The Chicago Athenaeum in 2007; and the MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Award 'Sustainability' prize for his ARPA 100k Research Centre and Home in 2009.

Cucinella’s work has frequently been the focus of specialised magazines and exhibitions. In 2013 the architect participated in the 10th Architecture Biennial in San Paolo, Brazil, in the “public spaces” division with his Masterplan for San Berillo, Catania. In 2010 he participated in the Washington RETECH Renewable Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition. In the 2008 Biennale in Venice he exhibited his “100k home” research project in the Italian pavilion.

- Mirabello School, Ferrara (Italy), 2012
- Parallelo Office Building, Milan (Italy), 2012
- 3M  Headquarters, Milan (Italy), 2010
- CSET, Centre for Sustainable Technology, Ningbo (China), 2008
- Bologna Civic Office, new Headquarters, Bologna (Italy), 2008
- Forum Center ex-Ducati, Rimini (Italy), 2008
- SIEEB, Sino-Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building, Beijing (China), 2006
- Focchi SpA Office Building, Poggio Berni (Italy), 2005
- Bianco’s House, Recovery and renovation of a mixed-use building, Cremona (Italy), 2005
- Bergognone 53, office building renovation, Milan (Italy), 2004
- eBO, Exhibition pavilion on projects for the city, Bologna (Italy), 2003
- Otranto Maritime Station, Otranto (LE), (Italy), 2001
- Paris Metro, Villejuif -Leo Lagrange metro station, Paris (France), 2000
- iGuizzini, Historical Museum of the iGuzzini lighting, Recanati (Italy), 1997
- Ispra Renovation of Building No. 8 IspraEco Centre, Ispra (VA), (Italy), 1996



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