Capturing the Night. New York, Las Vegas vs San Francisco

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Vincent Laforet, is a filmmaker, photographer, producer, teacher,... He was born in Switzerland, grew up in France and New York City and went to college in Chicago at The Medill School of Journalism. From a very young age he has been on the move, experiencing and adjusting to new ways of life which have allowed him to collaborate across the arts, media, technology and communication fields while feeding his own curiosity and sharing what he´s learned.

He´s climbed to the top of the Empire State Building. He´s directed a commercial for Nike with Kobe Bryant. He´s flown for hundreds of hours in helicopters around the world photographing and filming the most beautiful places and landscapes. Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neill and Dennis Rodman have all fallen on him as he photographed them from the sidelines of games, and he´s shot 4 NBA Finals, 5 Super Bowls, 8 World Series and 4 amazing Olympic Games. 

In the weeks following 9/11, he went to Pakistan as a staff photographer for The New York Times, and he´s shot thousands of news assignments from terrorist attacks to blackouts, portraits of heads of state and every imaginable disaster the world could offer up. 

He spent a month on the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in the gulf, photographing his Top Gun dreams during the start of the second Gulf War. He´s directed 4 short films and numerous commercials to date and worked with thousands of people in the commercial and film industries all of whom have taught him so much. 

Currently, he sits on the advisory boards of several tech start-ups and he´s spent the last decade helping to launch cutting edge technologies that aid filmmakers and photographers. He´s lectured and taught what he´s learned to students and professionals around the globe. He´s always on the lookout for ways to use his experience, passion for technology and experience developing original ideas.




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