Apartment refurbishment around a yard by Cavaa Arquitectes

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Jordi Calbetó, Oriol Vañó. CAVAA ARQUITECTES

Cavaa Arquitectes is an architectural firm founded in 2009 by Jordi Calbetó and Oriol Vañó. Its architecture reflects the current time, a time of opportunities. They believe that each of their projects is a great opportunity, a little gem worth polishing. Their works vary from small apartments refurbishments to large facilities, with the same intensity and rigor, being aware that even if it is difficult to get a client, is still even more difficult to meet the needs of future users.

They propose a quiet and thoughtful architecture, linked to the place where it stands that "not only tells us about the materials from which it is made, but also about its rhythms, intangible spirit and the dreams of the lives of the people".





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