The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe have revealed the seven finalists that will compete for the 2022 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, 5 in the Architecture category and 2 in the Emerging Architecture category.

The Jury considered that the 7 finalist works encourage and become models and references for local city policies:
→ 85 Social Housing Units in Cornellà de Llobregat, SPAIN
Architects.- Peris+Toral Arquitectes.
Programme.- Collective housing.
“The bases of this new residential building are a matrix of communicating rooms that eliminates corridors to guarantee optimum use of the floor plan and the use of timber to enable the industrialisation of elements, improved quality of construction and a major reduction of deadlines and C02 emissions.”

→ Frizz23 in Berlin, GERMANY
Architects.- Deadline.- Britta Jürgens + Matthew Griffin.
Programme.- Mixed use - Cultural & Social.
“The architects adapted the Baugruppe model to create workspaces for arts, education and the creative industries and assumed the roles of developers to build the community of users for the project. 32 small companies and non profits threatened by Berlin’s rapid gentrification joined to secure their workspaces. The architects first assembled the group around their programatic goals, and then designed the building in continuous dialogue with the users, the neighborhood, and the city.”
→ The Railway Farm in Paris, FRANCE
Architects.- Grand Huit and Melanie Drevet Paysagiste.
Programme.- Social welfare.
“Born from the desire of residents and local associations to see a place that combines urban agriculture and solidarity grow, the Ferme du Rail aims to integrate vulnerable people. The farm offers emergency social housing and social reintegration of 15 social reintegration housing units, 5 social student housing units, an unheated productive greenhouse, a restaurant open to the public, a mushroom-growing cave and a permaculture garden. Its objective is to minimize the need for energy, food and financial resources by implementing a circular economy.”
→ Town House - Kingston University in London, UNITED KINGDOM
Architects.- Grafton Architects
Programme: Education.
“Inspired by the progressive educational vision presented in the brief, and the wish to connect with the community, we responded by arranging the programme in a three dimensional matrix, one singular complex space which links the various elements of the brief, giving at the same time to each part its identity, a place where spaces and uses interlock, and connect physically or visually, creating an environment that encourages overlap and exchange.”

→ Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture in Hasselt, BELGIUM
Architects.- Francesca Torzo.
Programme.- Culture.

“Z33 settles in continuity with the existing buildings around the b guinage, echoing the dual character of their facades, enclosed towards the street and open with windows’ filigrees towards the garden. The exhibition rooms and the secret gardens compose a spatial labyrinth, amalgaming memories of local passages with ones of foreign villas or palaces.”

→ Enrico Fermi School in Turin, ITALY
Architects.- BDR bureau.
Programme.- Education.
“The project transforms a school of the 1960s in a semi-peripheral district of Turin, rethinking the architecture through the engagement of school communities in the definition of pedagogical guidelines, with the ambition to renovate both learning spaces and teaching methods. The existing building had a poor relation with outer spaces and a series of underused interior spaces. Part of the strategy to reverse this condition lies on the reorganization of accesses and external areas, opening the school to the city.”

→ La Borda - Cooperative Housing in Barcelona, SPAIN
Architects.- Lacol. Arquitectura Cooperativa.
Programme.- Collective housing.
“La Borda cooperative housing is a self-organized development to access decent, nonspeculative housing. The cooperative prioritised making a building with minimal environmental impact, both in its construction and its lifetime. Another basic objective is to eliminate the possibility of energy poverty among its users, which some of them suffered due to the high cost of energy. The initial strategy of the project to reduce energy demand has been the optimisation of the program, renouncing the underground car parking, grouping services and reducing the surface of the houses.”

More information

Matthew Griffin and Britta Jürgens are co-founders of the esteemed Deadline Architekten studio in Berlin. They have many projects on their account. 

Matthew Griffin and Britta Jürgens are architects working together for 27 years. Deadline’s work explores the structural changes taking place (technological, social, and economic) at the end of the mechanical age and their particular effects on architecture and urban planning. To realize their projects they assume multiple roles intertwining political activism, project development, and design.
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Grand Huit is a Parisian cooperative that brings together architects, landscape designers and urban researchers. The cooperative is led by architects, Clara Simay, Julia Turpin, Melanie Drevet.
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Grafton Architects was established in 1978. Directors Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara are both graduates of UCD, are Fellows of the RIAI, are International Honorary Fellows of the RIBA and are elected members of Aosdána, the eminent Irish Art organisation.

Teachers at the School of Architecture at University College Dublin from 1976 to 2002, they have been visiting professors at Accademia d’Archittettura, Mendrisio, EPFL, Lausanne, held the Kenzo Tange chair at GSD Harvard and the Louis Kahn chair at Yale University.

They have been external examiners at numerous universities including Cambridge University and The London Metropolitan School of Architecture. As well as public lectures in Dublin and abroad, including the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin and the Royal Academy in London, they have lectured widely in European and American Schools of Architecture.

Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara. 2020 Pritzker Architecture Prize.

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BDR bureau is a Turin-based architectural firm founded by Alberto Bottero and Simona Della Rocca in 2016. It develops projects ranging from the temporary dimension to the urban research through public and private competitions and assignments. The studio pays particular attention to the architecture of re-use and the re-adaptation of living, work and educational spaces.

BDR bureau’s projects originate through a broad interpretation of the sites and a deep understanding of the context, with the capability of transforming limits into opportunities. Each project experiments with spatial solutions based on the idea of an open, simple and innovative architecture that meet the evolving needs of our times.

The studio has received awards in various international competitions, including: Torino Fa Scuola (2017), Kodrina masterplan (2016), Esporre il Compasso D’oro (2014), YAP MAXXI (2013). Many of its projects have been exhibited at international level (MAXXI, Rome; MoMA, New York; Istanbul Modern, Turkey; Constructo, Santiago of Chile) and published in various magazines.

BDR bureau has also participated in two editions of the La Biennale di Architettura in Venice: in 2016 (Venice Pavilion, with a vision on the future of Porto Marghera) and in 2018 (Italian Pavilion, with a research project on the re-use of the railway yards).

The studio’s work has been extensively featured in magazines and publications, including: Unbuilt Rome, Piccole Utopie/Small Utopias by Fondazione MAXXI, Domus, Dezeen, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Casabella, Living – Corriere della Sera, and many others.
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Lacol is an architecture cooperative set up in 2014 in the Sants district (Barcelona). They work with architecture for social transformation, as a tool to intervene in the immediate environment critically.

Currently, it is a team of 14 people who work in various fields of architecture. Their lines of work focus on these five axes: Construction; Cooperative Housing; Pa icipation; Exhibitions and Stage Design; and Urbanism.

The main axis of work on which they apply the knowledge of other fields is the cooperative housing. They have specialized in the promotion of this model as well as in the process of participation of the promotion of the future inhabitants. The most relevant case has been the housing cooperative La Borda, where, in addition to carrying out the architectural project, they have participated in its promotion and all the learning process has been systematized through the book “Habitar en comunidad“ (Libros de la Catarata, 2018).

They are currently building La Balma, a similar housing cooperative in Poblenou, and accompanying several projects in the promotion phase in other places.

In order to promote and make viable the replicability of the model, we work in the design of public policies, advise municipalities, and give conferences and write articles in different publications. Lacol is part  of La Dinamo, a foundation for the consolidation of cooperative housing in Catalonia.

•    Prize “Ciutat de Barcelona” 2018.
•    Prize on Built Construction in Architecture at the BBConstrumat 2019.
•    Nominated at the Début Award Lisbon Triennale (announced October 5th 2019).
•    Mention at the Bonaplata 2018 awards for a study on the industrial heritage of Vilassar de Mar.
•    Prize AJAC for the housing coop project “Coop de falç”, together with Arqbag.

Books published by Lacol
•    “Construir en col·lectiu” (CAT/ESP/ENG), Pol·len Edicions 2018.
•    “Habitar en comunidad”, with La Ciutat Invisible, Libros de la Catarata/Arquia, 2018.
•    “El Vilassar de Mar Fabril”. Pagès edicions, 2018.
•    “Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva.”  Curated by Lacol. Riera de Magòria, 2013.
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peris+toral.arquitectes. Founded in 2005 by Marta Peris and Jose Manuel Toral, both graduated from ETSAB, peris+toral.arquitectes is an architecture practice based in Barcelona, which combines its professional activity with the academic one. They are currently working on different projects, both in housing and public space, while working as teachers in the  Faculty of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) and IED.

Their work has been published in architecture books and magazines, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in UIA Tokyo 2011, París 2009 and the Venice Biennal 2000. Theoretically, the practice has published articles in architecture books and magazines, including Arquitectura COAM,  Ed. Fundamentos and  DC Papers are to highlight. Their work has been recognized with awards such as AJAC Joves Arquitectes 2011, FAD 2009 award finalists,  and Saloni d’Arquitect award finalists.

finalists2024  Winner RIBA International Prize
2024  Winner RIBA International Awards for Excellence
2024  Winner Global Galvanizing Award 
2024  Winner Construmat Awards Sustainability 
2023  Premio Especial Asturiana de Zinc - Premios ATEG 
2023  Premio Fassa Bartolo Prize Sustainable Architecture
2023  Obra destacada Mostra arquitectura de Barcelona
2022  Finalista Premio MIES VAN DER ROHE Award
2022  Winner Grand Prix du Design Platinium Winner
2022  Winner EDUWIK Architecture Excellence Awards
2022  Winner Gold Award BEST ARCHITECTS - Gold Award
2022  Winner Best Multi-family Housing Future House Awards
2022  Winner Wood Design & Building Award
2021  Winner. Premio Europeo di Architettura MATILDE BAFFA UGO RIVOLTA 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Gold Award. BEST ARCHITECTS 22. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  First Prize. Premios MAPEI a la Arquitectura Sostenible 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Jury's TOP PICK. BLT Built Design Awards - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. THE PLAN AWARD 2021 - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Best of best. ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE AMP 2021 - Residential Multi Unit. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner ex-aequo. Premio CATALUNYA CONSTRUCCIÓ 2021 - Innovació a la construcció. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio A+ by DAIKIN  - Vivienda plurifamiliar. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. XV Premios NAN Arquitectura y construcción 2021 - Residencial. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio de opinión, PREMIO FAD DE ARQUITECTURA. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Awarded. Arquitectura y Urbanismo, BEAU XV. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà

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Published on: February 16, 2022
Cite: "5 Architecture and 2 Emerging Architecture Finalists for the EU MIES AWARD 2022" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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