A documentary about skateboarding in Shanghai. , full_html
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Music Video of Saturday , full_html
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Mira Cook - Drum Machine
Invisible Light was our first love from the Scissor Sisters third album Night Work and although it has come a bit late now as if by christmas magic, it’s the band’s latest single. Worth, surreal and but it’s quite an adventure to watch. , full_html
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SCISSOR SISTERS by Invisible Light
The news provided by the newspaper, El Pais, begins "The damaged steps of the church of the Jeronimos solemn and erect abalaustrado more visible on the promontory of Madrid near the Prado Museum, Rafael Moneo will recover the worthy of this area…
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Here's the link to the video of this performance, by SANAA, which happened almost unnoticed. The project consisted of acrylic curtains arranged in a spiral within the pavilion, reflecting and distorting views through the structure. “We decided to…
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SANAA. Installation at Barcelona Pavilion. Photograph by Ramón Prat, courtesy via Fundación Mies van der Rohe
Let’s Swap is a brand new site (by my friends over at Hyperakt) that offers curated swaps for creative people. Here’s how it works: There’s one featured swap. If you want it, hit the Swap button and propose what you want to exchange for it. The…
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“Nowhere but Sajima” is a house in Japan. It’s a vacation rental residence located in Yokosuka-City, just outside of Tokyo. It was designed by Yasutaka Yoshimura Architects., full_html
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NOWHERE BUT SAJIMA, House by Yasutaka Yoshimura Architects. Photograph © Yasutaka Yoshimura Architects
Happy 103rd Birthday!! , full_html
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Images, only images... Pardon! and music. , full_html
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VIOLIN by Tatiana Plakhova
Competition subject is the selection of the best proposals for the design of a new concept of urban vehicle -Urban Green Car-, of reduced weight, following criteria of sustainable urban mobility and oriented to current needs., full_html
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Mutua Madrileña and the COAM invite you to design the urban car of the future