"La Modernidad Superada" is a classic book that is widely referenced, written by Josep María Montaner. The current edition of the book, first published in 1997, includes an appealing new text about the fragility of modern architecture, in addition…
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LA MODERNIDAD SUPERADA by Josep María Montaner
Michael Pawlyn takes cues from nature to make new, sustainable architectural environments. Pawlyn worked with the firm Grimshaw for ten years and was central to the team that radically re-invented horticultural architecture for the Eden Project. He…
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Due to his research on the application of genetics to architecture, Alberto T. Estévez has created the new, strange and surprising images that are joined in this book: a selection of "altered" photographs about natural structures on its most genetic…
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MANUFACTURING LABORATORY is a group of activities ( exhibition, real-time manufacturing laboratories, workshops, conferences, etc.) which aim to analyze new three-dimensional digital manufacturing technologies - a phenomenon in constant evolution…
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The Disseny Hub Barcelona presents a second series of lectures complementing the Working Prototypes exhibition. Within the framework of the FABRICATION LABORATORY events, the lectures will be held by leading professionals in the fields of digital…
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Iaac, Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia presents a lecture by Michel Rojkind, during Lecture Series 2010/11. , full_html
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The COAC has announced the contest, which I had the honor of being a member of the jury, convened to elect the new leadership of the journal Quaderns. "The winning proposal was presented by Jose Zabala, Guillermo Lopez and Mario Ballesteros. The…
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Quaderns: new management team
Iñaki Abalos and Renata Sentkiewicz, give a lecture "6 verticalscapes" on February 25 at 19:30 in the Exhibition Hall FUNCOAL. C / Arroyo de Santo Domingo18, SALAMANCA., full_html
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Intrigued by Paul Butler's visualization of Facebook's friendship links Andreas Kaltenbrunner decided to try a similar illustration with data from Tuenti, a large Spanish social networking site we (Yana Volkovich, David Laniado and Dave Currie) are…
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OVNI 2011 aims to exhibit and to reflect upon the different phenomena of dis_reality, their forms and implications, their repercussions and the horizons they illuminates, or recalls. , full_html
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