It is a system for creating large-scale atmospheric convection in the San Cristobal hill in Santiago, Chile, mainly with environmental criteria. , full_html
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Parque Atmósfera for Santiago by Bernard Tschumi
"100 rooms – 100 models"
From Budapest, Anibal show us that: The Hungarian Center for Contemporary Architecture (KÉK) invited architects, designers and institutions to participate in the 2nd International Architectural Model Festival with…
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Here we show 2 videos of B. Fuller about the same project: "A necessary ruin: the story of buckminster fuller and the union tank car dome" and "A Necessary Ruin - Trailer". , full_html
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The story of Buckminster Fuller and the Union Tank Car Dome
Open the exhibition from October 14, Emilio and Luis will give a lecture on October 23th at 6:30 pm in the Toledo COACM about their project : Museo de la Vega Baja. Toletum Visigoth., full_html
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Rendering. TOLETUM VISIGODO. Museum, by Mansilla y Tuñon
A beautiful study model from Anne Holtrop. Commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment at The Hague, Anne Holtrop has completed a theoretical study concerning safety within embassies. Holtrop: "What I tried to do…
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Spa Wellness Amsterdam, Studio Noach, with Roderik van der Weijden & Patrick Blanc, in progress. Using recycled polystyrene and Patrick Blanc’s “living wall” ideas, the architecture of the spa makes the walls and ceilings the outer for hills and…
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"La construcción de la ciudad a partir del vacío." CAN FRAMIS MUSEUM in 22@ , full_html
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Museo Can Framis by BAAS, Jordi Badia. Photograph © Fernando Guerra
Urban China is booming…..but still without any real vision. The project Caofeidian–Genetic City is China’s most ambitious response to the triple-challenge of explosive growth, environmental pressure, and healthy human desires for the future. ,…
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Here are the winning proposals. With some controversy in the pipeline, but in the end the competition is resolved. , full_html
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Renovation of the Gran Vía by José Juan Barba. FIRST PRIZE ex-aequo
OMA has won the competition for a major new library, the Bibliothèque Multimédia à Vocation Régionale (BMVR), in Caen, France. , full_html
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Bibliothèque Alexis of Tocqueville by OMA