Here are the winning proposals. With some controversy in the pipeline, but in the end the competition is resolved. , full_html
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Renovation of the Gran Vía by José Juan Barba. FIRST PRIZE ex-aequo
A design that transforms mundane electrical pylons into monuments on the Icelandic landscape., full_html
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The Land of Giants™, Iceland. Images: Choi+Shine Architects
The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement for the 12th International Architecture Exhibition (Venice, Giardini and Arsenale, 27th August – 21st November, 2010) has been awarded to Rem Koolhaas. The decision was taken by the Board of the Biennale di…
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Rem Koolhaas
The web that the spider builds, in proportion to its size, is a surprising mechanism of great technological interest. It isn't compact, nor is it unbreakable (despite its high proportional resistance); however, its implementation and the resulting…
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