Josep Camps and Olga Felip Arquitecturia have received the award Young Architect of the Year 2013 by the magazine Building Design, we congratulate them!! and we publish their Museo de la Energía. This museum is organized from an orthogonal, as you…
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Night view, Museum of Energy by Arquitecturia. Photography © Pedro Pegenaute
Adapting to new and different conditions is one of the impulses that rides architecture, and even more, rehabilitation. In this project, Arquitectura-G adapts an old unused house into a new dwelling for a young family, foreseeing future changes in…
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View from the patio. House refurbishment in Nou Barris, by Arquitectura-G. Photography © José Hevia
The Sonneveld House, built in 1933 in Rotterdam, is one of the best-preserved houses of the Nieuwe Bouwen style. The renowned Rotterdam designer Richard Hutten was invited by Het Nieuwe Instituut to respond to the design of this house museum. This…
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Design by Richard Hutten in the Sonneveld House
It seems that the wait was worthwhile... Xavier Tragant's proposal for Library and Historical Archive of Sant Fruitós de Bages has been built. Without a doubt, a magnificent building whose essence lies in transferring knowledge through symbolism of…
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Reading area, Library and Historical Archive Sant Fruitós de Bages by Xavier Tragant. Photography © Adrià Goula
Tokujin Yoshioka has designed Reality Lab, a experimental shop for Issey Miyake's creations. With the space materiality, a special designed furniture, lighting and using the colors green and blue, each Miyake's cration is made more powerful.,…
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Reality Lab.Issey Miyake by Tokujin Yoshioka. Photography © Masaya Yoshimura
Heidelberg Castle's new visitor centre, designed by Max Dudler, fits perfectly into its surroundings. The walls are built with the same Neckar sandstone that…
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South facade. Heidelberg Castle's Visitor Centre. Photography © Stefan Müller
On Friday 6th December Aedes gallery in Berlin will celebrate the opening of Structure and Experiment, the first comprehensive exhibition of the work of the young architecture practice Gewers Pudewill, Berlin. , full_html
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Maria Diaz has designed this house in a small village in Tarragona, La Nou de Gaià. The context in which it is located is the essence of the project, without hesitation she raises a project extolling the landscape and historic character that owns…
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M House in La Nou de Gaià by María Díaz. Photography © Adrià Goula. Courtesy of MDBA & Guallart Architects
And this the official Trailer for 'REM' Documentary in Casa da Musica and selected clips from an interview with Kanye West conducted by Tomas Koolhaas in October 2013 for his film 'REM' -a documentary about his father, the architect Rem Koolhaas.,…
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Interview with Kanye West conducted by Tomas Koolhaas in October 2013 for his film 'REM'
Last September we announced here the beginning of the proposed Gwangju Follies of 2013. Once finished, we bring here the final results., full_html
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Architect David Adjaye and writer Taiye Selasi have developed a folly called the Gwangju River Reading Room. It is positioned on the embankment of the Gwangju River, connecting the street level above with the grassy flood planes used as a seasonal park. The structure draws inspiration from traditional Korean pavilions and houses a “human rights” library of 200 books from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie´s Half of a Yellow Sun to Emile Zola’s Germinal. Courtesy of Gwangju Biennale Foundation