Today John Pawson's Perspectives opens to the public. This ground-breaking project is part of the 300th anniversary celebrations for St Paul's Cathedral. Created with the support of Swarovski Crystal Palace it's about allowing one architectural…
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John Pawson in St Paul's. Susan Smart Photography
From the 17th to 25th, the London Design Festival brings together the best of design from the United Kingdom, with over 280 activities and events that cover fashion, architecture, industrial design and projects from all fields. , full_html
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A many of you catch you off, we know, but as always we bring initiatives to increase our imagination elsewhere. Workshop reflection on the imaginary and the staging of public space. , full_html
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Winners of the Holcim Awards 2011 for Europe. Among them is with the second prize, Carlos Arroyo (Silver Holcim) and Next Generation Award: the second to Elisa de los Reyes Garcia, Polytechnic University of Madrid and the third for Eduardo Mayoral,…
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Holcim Awards 2011 Europe
Kata Marunica tells us, that the Zagreb Society of Architects is launching the fourth and the last competition for this year's Think Space cycle - Moral Borders. , full_html
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Diagonal 00 Telefónica Tower in Barcelona, ​​designed by architect Enric Massip-Bosch_ EMBA, and promoted by the Consortium of the Zona Franca de Barcelona, ​​has won the award LEAF PRIZE 2011 in the category of Best Commercial Building of the Year…
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Diagonal 00 Telefónica Tower. EMBA. Photograph by Pedro Antonio Pérez
The first project in Spain by the Italian architect Renzo Piano, co-author of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, built in Santander. Emilio Botin and Renzo Piano have announced today at the headquarters of the Fundacion Botin, the characteristics…
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View from the North, Centro de Arte Botín. Renzo Piano. Santander
No he podido ir a verla pero tiene buena pinta. El Ministerio de Fomento celebra el centenario de la primera Ley que recoge el derecho a una vivienda digna. En conmemoración de la “Ley de Casas Baratas” de 1911 se exponen, por vez primera,…
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Centenario de la primera Ley que recoge el derecho a una vivienda digna
La sala de exposiciones del Ministerio de Fomento, La Arquería de Nuevos Ministerios, acoge desde hoy hasta el 13 de noviembre, la exposición “Aprendiendo de lo vernáculo. Hacia una nueva arquitectura vernácula”. La inauguración tendrá lugar…
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The Meeting Bowls are social places for meeting and getting to know people, places for group discussion that promote a sense of community in a large city. Contemporary to the recent Spanish 15-M Movement, and similar in aspiration, the Meeting Bowls…
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