On Monday, October 31, 2011 (1:00-2:30pm) Vladimir Belogolovsky will be delivering a lecture, "The Empire’s Last Style: Soviet Modernism: 1955-1985" at Columbia University in New York, as part of the Intercontinental Curatorial Project. ,…
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Customs House. Finnish Border Russia, 1967
Today, with the lecture by Massimo Mazzone (also participating: Diego Peris from "Todo por la Praxis"), will close the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Pilas Alcalaínas. Rehabilitating Energy Dose City" in…
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Today, with the lecture by Diego Peris from Todo por la Praxis (also participating: Massimo Mazzone), will close the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Pilas Alcalaínas. Rehabilitating Energy Dose City" in…
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Diego Peris de TODO POR LA PRAXIS in the SAA 3.0
Esta tarde en la ETSAG dentro de la Semana de la Arquitectura de Alcalá se proyectará "The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: an Urban History". Dentro de la revisión sobre determinados mitos de la ciudad contemporánea, que en la actualidad se están realizando,…
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Pruit-Igoe at SAA 3.0
Tomorrow thursday, October 27, 2011 opening of "MBM 60 years of architecture and city, 1951-2011" (Josep Martorell, Oriol Bohigas, David Mackay, Oriol Capdevilla, Francesc Gual, Lluís Pau), full_html
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Exhibition "MBM 60 years of architecture and city, 1951-2011"
One of the most anticipated events of the exhibition at the Barbican, which we told you in various articles, retransmitted by facebook (via Ustream) has had to slow down and leave deferred. From Barbican: "Katrina Johnston: Hi everyone, apologies,…
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OMA Live
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A city that on its surface may contain the following cities: Manhattan, Boston and San Francisco, but with a population of only 750,000. An example of failed suburbia?? A city that calls for "decreasing", delete parts of its own story, to continue…
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Tomorrow, with the lecture by Guillaume Yersin (also participating: Alberto Alarcon and Anna Nufri), will open the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Pilas Alcalaínas. Rehabilitating Energy Dose City" in…
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RECLAIM. Venice Biennale 2010 © 1to100architects. Photograph by Iwan Baan
Tomorrow, with the presence of Anna Nufrio (also involved: Guillaume Yersin and Alberto Alarcón) will open the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Batteries Alcala. Dose Energy Rehabilitate city ​​"in ETSAG,…
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