Book a stay at the legendary Campus. If you’re on a budget, eager to impress on Instagram and looking to book a holiday after to sleep in the Tourette Le Corbusier, this is your new stop. The building still in the renovation process, Alfred Arndt,…
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Reconstructed studio flat
This Nursery School plays between two worlds of adults and children, adapting the scales, experiences, color ... creating conflicting sensations to enhance children's imagination., full_html
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Nursery School in Callosa by ROCAMORA ARQUITECTURA + AMO Architectural Office slp. Photography © David Frutos
It comes to us the Spanish translation a Hal Foster´s book, published in October 2011, The Art-Architecture Complex. This interesting book analyzes in 10 trials the link between architecture and the plastic arts, analyzing some of the most…
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Cover. El complejo arte-arquitectura
We show the Primary Care Center located in L'Aldea, a town in the Catalan region of Bajo Ebro in Tarragona, conducted by the studio Arquitecturia composed by architects Josep Camps and Olga Felip., full_html
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Primary Care Center by Josep Camps and Olga Felip. Photography © Pedro Pegenaute
An utopia nearby, by PRMRY (a group of young designers based in New York and Los Angeles). This short story shows the typical control, or safety on the big cities. Interesting vision of a city like Los Angeles, currently characterized by high…
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Los Angeles 2057. LUNAR by PRMRY. Courtesy of v2com
M3H1 (it is a team by two Spanish, one Paraguayan and one Colombian) was awarded the First Price at the professional call for entries of “Premio Corona Pro Hábitat 2013: Escuelas rurales para Colombia” for its m³ school, a modular, sustainable and…
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The Plaza Mayor project of Autonoma University of Madrid by the architects Javier Fresneda and Javier Sanjuan (MTM) have recently been rewarded by Fundación ONCE (accessibility) or COAM (Awards of Colegio de Arquitectos in Madrid). In words of…
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Plaza Mayor Services Building by MTM Arquitectos. Photography © Roland Halbe
In this high school the Portuguese ARX are designed carefully as teaching areas as recreational areas, here everything is a room to learn. We all would have dreamed a school like that!, full_html
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Caneças High School by ARX Portugal. Courtesy of ARX Portugal
This new building creates an attractive sports and leisure centre along with two existing volumes, so that it improves the unit noticeably so in uses and circulations as its relationship with the urban context in which it is located. On the project…
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General Services Building in Helios Swimming Centre by Antonio Lorén, Eduardo Aragüés, Olatz Maestre. Photography © Iñaki Bergera. Courtesy of ACXT
This really original house by Studio Velocity is organized into two floors inside a cylindrical volume, but the architects break the hierarchy and the usual organization by placing the main entrance and the common areas on the second floor and the…
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Vista desde lo alto de la caja de escaleras. Fotografía © Kentaro Kurihara. Cortesía de Studio Velocity