
Cecilia Puga

Cecilia Puga Larrain was born in Santiago, Chile on October 2, 1961. Puga graduated as an architect from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in 1990. Later she studied History and Restoration of Monuments Architectural at the Universitá della Sapienza in Rome.

As an architect, she has been awarded in competitions such as the Mapocho Station Cultural Center (1992, 3rd prize) together with D. Prieto, S. Álvarez and D. Rodríguez; in the new Auditorium and Library of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (1995, 1st prize), together with T. Fernández and S. Radic and in the Consistorial building for the Illustrious Municipality of Vitacura (2000, 1st mention) together with S.Radic, G. Puga and R. Serpell.

Between 1990 and 1993 she was editor of the CA Magazine of the College of Architects of Chile and was Director of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. She has been a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello in Santiago; In 2007, she was a visiting professor at the University of Texas School of Architecture in Austin, USA.
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