Maxime Le Trionnaire, Gwénaël Le Chapelain / Alain Tassot, Jean-Luc Le Trionnaire. ALTA ARCHITECTS
ALTA Architectes - Urbanistes | Le Trionnaire - Le Chapelain is a team structured around four associated architects. Alain Tassot and Jean-Luc Le Trionnaire are architects from the University of Rennes (1985) and worked together in Rennes since 1990. Rich in major projects in the different spheres related to public or private orders, they founded a/LTA Architects – Planners Agency in 2002. After retiring, they handed over the reins to Maxime Le Trionnaire and Gwénaël Le Chapelain. In 2023, two new partners joined the management team, Fanny Larhantec and Aurélie Morel.
Maxime Le Trionnaire and Gwénaël Le Chapelain, DPLG architects, met in 1997 at the Nantes School of Architecture. After graduating in 2004, they worked in several renowned agencies (Architecture-Studio, Block, Duncan Lewis, Stéphane Maupin, X-tu). The Monitor nominated them for the “First Work Prize” in 2008. In 2010, they joined forces. Since then they have been developing collaboration and refining their architectural visions.
ALTA Architectes - Urbanistes brings together around twenty employees who work on a contemporary, contextual and responsive architecture Each architectural project tends towards its singularity, respectful of the suggested program.
In 2014 their agency won the European award “40 UNDER 40” which rewards the emerging generation of European architects and designers under 40 years old.
NameMaxime Le Trionnaire, Gwénaël Le Chapelain / Alain Tassot, Jean-Luc Le Trionnaire. ALTA ARCHITECTS
VenueRennes, France.