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Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano, a Spanish office most internationally at this time, will give a lecture on Wednesday at 13 hours., full_html
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Madinat al Zahra. Patio
Israel Alba Ramis has been laureated with the Europe 40 Under 40 international award, a selection of the 40 best emerging European architects under 40.
The award, announced by The European Centre for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies…
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Works by John Cage and Morton Feldman, performed by Experimental Funktion, on this occasion in string quartet format, with Vera Martínez Mehner, Nicolás Ortiz, Jonathan Brown and Erica Wise.

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El País, with Joseba Elola and de Carmen Valiño (text and photography), presents an interesting article, which tells the battle between two graffiti artists, Banksy and Robbo. What began as a battle hard but smart, two graffiti artists, has become a…
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Banksy work destroyed in Essex Road. CARMEN VALIÑO
Bystrup's innovative T-Pylon design has been unanimously agreed by the judging panel as the winner of the Pylon Design competition run by the Department of Energy & Climate Change, National Grid, and the Royal Institute of British Architects.…
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Saturday's musical video. , full_html
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Highlights of the week to remind the principal characters in METALOCUS. , full_html
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De Dijk primary school, which provides Montessori education by Drost + van Veen architecten, a successful Dutch practice in Rotterdam. In the past 19 years they have managed to realize a portfolio of buildings that either strongly merge into the…
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DE DIJK, MONTESSORI SCHOOL, GRONINGEN © Drost + van Veen architecten
De Zonneboom, multifunctional accommodation by Drost + van Veen architecten, a successful Dutch practice in Rotterdam. In the past 19 years they have managed to realize a portfolio of buildings that either strongly merge into the context of the…
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De Zonneboom, multifunctional accommodation by Drost + van Veen architecten. Photograph © DROST+ VAN VEEN ARCHITECTEN
The topic for the SMIBE 2011 Short Film competition is “Building Revolution”. With the deadline at December 31st, the entry is free and Films should be 3 minutes max in length and and can be produced in any motion image medium. , full_html
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