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"El jardín de la metrópoli. Del paisaje romántico al espacio libre para una ciudad sostenible" is the last book published by Gustavo Gili for Land & ScapeSeries collection. This collection has been consolidating slowly over time since that first…
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El jardín de la metrópoli. Cover
A few minutes ago I saw this video of Fernando Guerra, it's great! Appears Álvaro Siza happy, humming songs of The Beatles. Only I thought to have made a link on facebook and a "I like", however the video have a very good vibrations so I wanted to…
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Álvaro Siza. Film by Fernando Guerra
Saturday's musical video. , full_html
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is an amazing up and coming city. This time lapse is a culmination of 10,000 RAW images and multiple shoots capturing some of the cities relentless energy and pace of change. We also left the links to In Treatment of our…
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The proposal '21st century oasis' by japanese practice sou fujimoto architects in collaboration with taiwanese firm Fei & Cheng Associates has taken first place in the taiwan tower international competition for taichung city. Derived from the…
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"21st century Oasis" by Sou Fujimoto Architects, Taichung City, Taiwan all images courtesy Taiwan Tower International Competition + Sou Fujimoto Architects
Sometimes I doubt, seeing the haute couture for clothing or shoes. Haute couture is also in Architecture, and my opinion, except for notable exceptions, is generally negative. However, I think we should show this kind of proposal, halfway between…
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Haute Couture Footwear
Overscan by SoSoLimited is a permanently installed TV remixing artwork at a bar at Firebrand Saints in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA (USA). Live television is fed into a PC running custom software, which analyzes/watches, re-processes/deconstructs,…
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Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was selected as one of the runner-up candidates for TIMES 2011 Person of the Year Award., full_html
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Self-Portrait by Ai Weiwei for TIME
GLOBAL RESULTS EUROPAN 11. Congratulations for all and especially for the Spanish participants!! , full_html
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Six weeks before its scheduled opening, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum shows photos and videos of construction of the new building designed by Renzo Piano. , full_html
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Construction photos and videos of Boston’s Gardner Museum