The new room images, that we now show, belong to the assembly of the exhibition “Arniches y Domínguez. La Arquitectura y la Vida," which opened on September 30 at the ICO Museum, is curated by Pablo Rabasco (Professor at the University of Córdoba) y Martín Domínguez Ruz (Architect and son of Martín Domínguez Esteban).
The design of the exhibition was carried out by Candelaria López Romero, María Carrascal Pérez y Alejandro Muchada Suárez, with the production of the ICO Foundation.
The design of the exhibition was carried out by Candelaria López Romero, María Carrascal Pérez y Alejandro Muchada Suárez, with the production of the ICO Foundation.
The exhibition is organized in two floors: a first one of explanation of the different contexts through which they traveled their lives, - Spain, Cuba and the United States - with very interesting documents and writings, and a second floor with the presentation of their most important projects.
It is interesting to note this second floor, with a floating boards design, suspended in a forest of suspenders, composed of groups of tables, where, and this is important, in each set, the black platform exposes the project and in the rest of white platforms, orbiting around it, explain and present documents, plans, models or photographs of the project mentioned above.
It is interesting to note this second floor, with a floating boards design, suspended in a forest of suspenders, composed of groups of tables, where, and this is important, in each set, the black platform exposes the project and in the rest of white platforms, orbiting around it, explain and present documents, plans, models or photographs of the project mentioned above.