The central container is an interesting piece built with ceramic pieces and with a continuous surface with convex, concave and flat areas, which generates different areas and allows the performance of multiple activities (temporary exhibitions, conferences, work and inquiries spaces, celebrations).
Project description by 13_07 arquitectos
The project covers a total constructed area of 249.72 m² on the ground floor.
The main effort of the proposal focuses on the construction of the piece introduced in the premises, a container that houses the helper uses (two offices for occasional use, reprographics and toilets), an element that develops longitudinally from North to South, and divide the space in two areas on either side:
The areas of circulation and internal functioning of COAVN / A.
area that occupies the space to the west of the central element and in this area are located the various spaces related to the development of the various formalities and steps related to the activity of the COAVN / A, spaces that will properly house the workers of the delegation in Álava of the Official College of Basque-Navarre Architects.
The continuous space capable of hosting multiple activities.
The area that occupies the space to the East of the central element is proposed as a space for undefined use, a space with a great versatility of functional distribution of the program, an area with equipment and the ability to be configured as an exhibitions space, a training room...
The large central container is a piece built with ceramic pieces and with a continuous surface with convex, concave and flat areas, which in this way clarifies and qualifies the empty space and generates different areas that, segregated or grouped, allow the performance of multiple activities (temporary exhibitions, conferences, work and consultation spaces, celebrations).
A piece that stresses the space in the NS direction, and allows the visual relationship between the large public space (the urban hall that pretends to be the Renaissance square) and the gloomy and abandoned passage on the other side of the building. The proposed intervention therefore recovers and qualifies this urban space. It is a garden area covered by a masonry wall inhabited by climbing plants that becomes the background against which the interior space is cut out. An evacuation exit is also enabled from facade N.
The possibility of developing very diverse activities in the field of action requires an excellent acoustic behavior. The project thus proposes a false ceiling made of wood chip panels bonded with cement.
In relation to the concern for excellence in the acoustic behavior of the interior space, a textile element is developed along the E and O party walls that:
- clarifies and qualifies the atmosphere of the premises
- orders and unifies the interior elevations and enhances the N-S tension of the actuation
- modulates the space, modifying its limits and dimensions to adapt it to the various activities to be carried out
- It houses behind it storage functions for the various elements of furniture and equipment that will make possible the great diversity of proposed uses and others to come.
The premises have a main access (the public access itself) and a secondary one that are located in the Plaza del Renacimiento.