The two main elements that organize the space, the bar and the central table, are made of granite with shapes that generate spatial fluidity. In addition, the use of color and geometry between the ceramic pieces and the perimeter benches gives a fresh air that dialogues with the canons of the brand.

Casa Neutrale by estudio DIIR, Photograph by David Zarzoso.
Project description by estudio DIIR
The square geometry that defines the floor plan is reorganized in order to achieve the functional and clean scheme that the firm pursues. A series of conceptual strategies are proposed whose mission is to structure the space and understand each of the corners.
First, the bar, one of the most characteristic elements of a specialty coffee shop. It is located at the back end and is endowed with great expressive charge as it is completely covered with granite. It functions as a backdrop and, at the same time, as a kind of landmark. The rest of the space is surrounded on three sides by a perimeter bench that is complemented with furniture. This gesture seeks three clear objectives: it brings unity to the whole, frees up the central space and enhances the spaciousness of the room.
In the center of the composition, and in relation to the large bar, a granite table stands out for its versatility. It acts as a support for various activities. Among others, it can be used to host meals, as a DJ table, or as a product display bar.
Although this project uses aesthetic resources that allow it to be understood as a continuation of the previous Casa Neutrale, it seeks to create new signs of identity that make it unique. The use of color or the geometry of the ceramic pieces give a fresh air while combining with other resources that reinforce the identity that the brand reflects in all its locations.