"Uncertainty" opens at the Spanish Pavilion for the Biennale Architettura di Venezia 2021

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Domingo Jacobo González Galván, Sofía Piñero Rivero, Andrzej Gwizdala, Fernando Herrera Pérez.
David Reyes, Julia Zasada, Melián Estudio, Banda Bisagra, Grace Morales, Lavernia & Cienfuegos. Experts.- Atxu Amann, Manuel Blanco, Belén Butragueño, Manuel Feo, Marta García, Jorge Gorostiza, Mario Hidrobo, Francisco Leiva, María Isabel Navarro.
Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA), State Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).
Carmen Moreno; Sebastián Arquitectos (Sergio Sebastián Franco); Baum Arquitectura (Marta Barrera, Javier Caro, Miguel Gentil); Joan Margarit; Recetas Urbanas (Santiago Cirugeda, Alice Attout); Laura Muñoz; Ana Mombiedro; Sara San Gregorio; Alicia Gutiérrez; Cuac arquitectura + Sugar Platform (Tomás García, Javier Castellano, Julien Fajardo, Christophe Beauvez); Paisaje Transversal (Jon Aguirre, Guillermo Acero, Jorge Arévalo, Pilar Díaz, Iñaki Romero); Milena Villalba; Santiago Hernández; Chenta Tsai Tseng; Sawu Studio (Aylín Vera, Pablo García); CREUSeCARRASCO (Juan Creus, Covadonga Carrasco); Contextos de arquitectura y urbanismo (Óscar Miguel Ares, Javier Palomero, Bárbara Arranz, Felipe M. Pou, Carmen Gimeno, Eduardo Rodríguez, Judit Sigüenza, Luis Matas, Sergio Alonso, Jesús J. Ruiz, Dorota Tokarska); Miguel Arraiz; David Moreno; GARCÍAGERMÁN Arquitectos (Jacobo García-Germán, Raquel Díaz de la Campa, Miguel López, Marta Roldán); Araceli Calero; Macarena Castillo; Rosa Gallardo; PEZ[estudio] (Maé Durant, Elisa de los Reyes García, Japi Contonente, Blanca Villar, Viviana Peña); Nomad Garden (Sergio Rodríguez, María Salas, Francisco José Pazos); Antropoloops (Rubén Alonso, Esperanza Moreno); Datrik Intelligence (David Solís, Juan Galán); John Porral; Sergi Hernández; Hyperstudio (Diego Iglesias, Cristóbal Baños); IAAC (Areti Markopoulou, Marco Ingrassia, Aurel Richard, Angelos Chronis, Raquel Villodrés, Starsk Lara, Diego Pajarito, Alexandre Dubor, Edouard Cabay, Kunaljit Chadha, Mathilde Marengo, Chiara Farinea, Mohamad El Atab, Federica Ciccone, Sotiria Sarri); Animali Domestici (Alicia Lazzaroni, Antonio Bernacchi); Natoural Group (Carlos Timoner, Juan Francisco Sánchez, Juan Antonio García, Pedro Milanés, Javier Torres); Alejandro Cantera; María José Marcos; Fablab Alicante; Fablab Laboratorio de Artesanía Digital [L.A.D.]; Airlab (Carlos Bañón, Félix Raspall); Quatre Caps (Bernat Ivars, Dídac Sendra, Juan Suay, Miguel Tomás); Pareid (Hadin Charbel, Déborah López); Alberto López de Lucas; Arquimaña (Iñaki Albistur, Raquel M. Ares).
May 22 to November 21, 2021.
At the 17th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia. Spanish Pavilion in Giardini, Venice, Italy.
Photography / Video
Imagen Subliminal. Miguel de Guzmán, Rocío Romero.

Sofía Piñero Rivero

Sofía Piñero Rivero (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1988) Graduated in Architecture from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2017. She participated in the first edition of the DEMOLA program in the Canary Islands. Sofía Piñero has combined collaborations of varying lengths in various studios and real estate and construction companies with disparate jobs as a salesperson, singer, or storyteller. She has taken part in various archaeological studies and some publications. Sofía's profile is directed towards artistic restlessness, which she has nurtured through music, dance, and theater studies, being part of various theater and musical groups, and associations such as the Auditorio de Tenerife Spectator School.

Domingo Jacobo González Galván

Domingo Jacobo González Galván (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1988) Graduated in Architecture from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2014. Collaborator in various architecture offices in Tenerife such as Palerm & Tabares de Nava and Dos07 Arquitectos coordinates his professional life with the profile Researcher for both Canary Islands public universities and independently, and works on various projects related to architecture, landscape, heritage, and archeology. In 2019 he completed the Master in Theory and History of Art and Cultural Management at the University of La Laguna, where he was awarded the Extraordinary Master Award.

Andrzej Gwizdala

Andrzej Gwizdala (Krakow, 1988). He completed the Master of Architecture at LaCambre Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium 2007-2013) with the Grande Distinction mention. He has worked on a scholarship at internationally renowned firms such as Studio Massimiliano Fuksas in Rome, Atelier Christian de Portzamparc in Paris, and is currently an architect at GPY Arquitectos in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Together with his current study, he has collaborated in various publications and projects on the islands such as the New Exhibition Space Casa de Los Volcanes Los Jameos del Agua in Lanzarote, obtaining multiple awards in competitions such as the International Architecture Awards IAA 2020.

Fernando Herrera Pérez

Fernando Herrera Pérez (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1988), Architect from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2013. Master's degree in teacher training from the University of La Laguna in 2019. He worked from 2013 to 2016 at the Technological Advisory Center (CAT) and Office of Architecture Competitions of the COAC - Official College of Architects of the Canary Islands - Demarcation of Tenerife, La Gomera, and El Hierro. Since then he has collaborated in various competitions and projects with various studios on the island.



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