“LA ALQUIMIA DE LOS DESECHOS” Basura y espacio público en Latinoamérica
Date.- Thusday, February 28, 2012. Time: 19.30h
Venue.- Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid)
Manuel Basagoiti. Sociologist
Juan López‐Aranguren. Collective BASURAMA
Diego Peris. Arquitecto. Collective TODO POR LA PRAXIS
Presenter:Ramón López de Lucio. Architect. CDU
- They are upgrading their website with a new domain, www.clubdebatesurbanos.org, because they understand that it is more appropriate to their status as non-profit organization. Temporarily, using the previous, www.clubdebatesurbanos.com, while loading vast information accumulated in its 19 year history.
- To improve the dissemination of the debates, the new website allows the broadcast streaming of debates and downloads in the website and its channel You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ClubDebatesUrbanos. Also, discussions are also disseminated on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/CDebatesUrbanos. Also in Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Club-de-Debates-Urbanos/113220658752469