Residential home for the Elderly in Pòrtol, Marratxí by Santi Vives Sanfeliu, Tomás Montis Sastre, Adrià Clapés

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Design team
Francesco Colinucci, Sofia Garcia, Leni Marcon, Alejandro Mora Martín, Juan Bonilla Morell.
Structure - Dimark.
Technical engineering - IDOM.
Consortium of Sociosanitary Resources of the Balearic Islands.
4,317 m².
Pórtol. Marratxí. Mallorca (Islas Baleares), Spain.

Tomás Montis Sastre. Montis Sastre

Tomás Montis Sastre (Palma de Mallorca, 1985) graduated as an architect from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Salle in 2010. Since 2015, he began his professional career forming the Montis Sastre Arquitectura studio in his hometown, after having collaborated in several national (Barcelona) and international (Belgium) studios.

Much of his professional work is based on the development of competitions and public architecture, having won various awards and recognitions, including the First Prize in the competition for the construction of a nursing home in Pórtol (Mallorca) or the First Prize for the construction of the first teaching building for scientific swimming pools in Europe, in addition to other awards and mentions in various competitions.

He has also won the 2017-2018-2019 Mallorca Architecture Awards for the refurbishment of the Farinera de Can Suau, Llubí.

Passionate about Mediterranean architecture, both popular and contemporary, he considers it as a basic reference when conceptualizing his architecture.

ACN. Adrià Clapés i Nicolau

ACN is a young architecture studio based in Mallorca. With experience in the contemporary interpretation of Mediterranean vernacular architecture.
Adrià Clapés i Nicolau is the architect and founder. Graduated in architecture with and Master's degree in Theory and Practice of Architectural Design at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, UPC, in 2012. In his master's thesis, he analyzed density as a form of urban growth. He is starting his Ph.D. in Interactive Architecture as a consequence of the application of communication technologies.
He has worked at Toyo Ito architects, Miralles Tagliabue - EMBT, and Ábalos Sentkiewitz Arquitects on several projects in Europe, Mexico, and China.
He is co-founder of IS ARCH, a platform to disseminate the work of young architects, and is a member of the GISME Group (Interdisciplinary Reflection Group and Math Solutions for Entities).
He has received architectural prizes and awards: first prize for the construction of the Pòrtol geriatric residence in Marratxí (executed project, 2021); first prize for the construction of the Archaeological Museum of Calvià, among others. He also won first prize in the 13th Competition about environmental and sustainable projects for Polytechnic University in Catalonia, with the project Power generation system reusing dissipated heat energy in the underground.
Their work focuses on different scales: new housing, renovation of old houses, public or private facilities, exhibition installations, and ephemeral architecture projects.
They work with a tailor-made team for each project, weaving a network of collaboration with the best specialists in each of the disciplines required. Landscape architects, designers, interior designers, historians, structural engineers, engineers, builders, craftsmen, carpenters, photographers, artists...

Santi Vives Sanfeliu. Santi Vives Arquitectura

Santi Vives Sanfeliu. Architect at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) since 1973.

From 1977 to 1996, he was a member of the Bosch-Tarrús-Vives arquitectes studio, associated with architects Jordi Bosch and Joan Tarrús. Until 1996 they worked together on numerous projects, including the Faculty of Arts at the University of Girona, the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation in Bellaterra, the Regional Museum of La Garrotxa in Olot, the La Mercè Cultural Centre in Girona, the Primary Health Care Centre on Passeig Maragall in Barcelona and the Passeig de la Muralla in Girona.

In 1996 he formed a partnership with the architect Conxita Balcells with whom, until 1998, he carried out several well-known projects, such as a primary school in Palau de Plegamans, a finalist for the FAD prize for architecture in 2002.

In 1998 he founded a new independent studio in which he worked alone and in collaboration with other architects.

At the same time, since 1975 he has been teaching as a professor of projects and coordinating the Sòcrates exchange programs at the ETSAB and other universities.



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