Recover tradition thanks to the magic of Shanghai. Zikawei Library by Wutopia Lab

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Wutopia Lab. Architects.- YU Ting.
Project team
Project Manager.- PU Shengrui.
Pre-Project Architect.- LI Mingshua.
Post-Project Architect.- PU Shengrui.
Library Phase Design Team.- KANG Qinghe, JIANG Xueqin, AN An, CHEN Jun, CHEN Shaofen, WANG Jing.
Bookstore Phase Design Team.- JIN Rui, PAN Hui, WANG Liyang, PAN Dali, YU Jing.
Design Consultation.- S5 Design Co., Ltd.
Bookstore Phase Design Team.- JIN Rui, PAN Hui, WANG Liyang, PAN Dali, YU Jing.
Lighting Design Consultant.- ZHANG Chenlu, CAI Mingjie, WEI Shiyu.
Graphic Design Consultant.- MEEM DESIGN (XIU Zi,CHEN Siyu).
Exhibit Design Consultant.-  Shanghai Art-Designing Co., LTD.
Installation Construction and Design.- Fab-Union Technology.
Lighting Design Consultant for Installation.- ZHANG Chenlu, DU Yuxuan, LI Wenhai.
Construction Drawing.-  Arcplus Architectural Decoration & Landscape Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Xuhui District Administration of Culture and Tourism, Xuhui District Library.
Arcplus Architectural Decoration & Landscape Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.
18,650 m².
Design Year.- May 2017.
Completion Year.- December 2021.
Construction Completion Year.- December 2022.
Xuhui District - Shanghai, China.

Yu Ting Wutopia Lab Architects

Wutopia Lab is founded by the chief architect Yu Ting in Shanghai, which is an architecture company based on a new paradigm of complex system. Wutopia Lab regards Shanghai's culture and life style as a starting point, using architecture as a tool to promote sociological progress within building practice. Wutopia Lab focuses on human and is dedicated to link different aspects of urban life: traditional, daily and cultural to interpret Urbanian lifestyle, and to develop acontemporary Chinese aesthetic based on Shanghai.

While facing each project, Wutopia Lab's practices are promoted to show different innovative strategies, thinking modes and forms. Wutopia Lab is committed to comprehensive design, not only to complete the concept and deepen of buildings, but also focuses on early planning and analysis along with landscape and interior design. Wutopia Lab also has the capacity to coordinate and collaborate different types of departments and on-site construction.



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