Yesterday we met Milan Triennale in one of the best stages of the culture of Milan. There are many ideas that were raised and that we will be raising awareness gradually. Today we showed you one of the first interventions. For technical reasons we could not see the video wanted to present Maria and Beltrán, and which had their way of seeing flamenco and popular culture as acts of reivincidación. It would be unfair to make a summary of what counted, for short, so it is best show you this great video. Do not miss it until the end, it's great!
Song words.
"Your character has changed my friend, since you got so much money you’ve become unbearable, you've reduced my wage and raised everything else, I've even had to pawn my parrot and sell my house. I had to get two jobs just to pay for the morgage. You get into trouble and I get kicked out on the street. I don't want you, I won't even want you if you eliminate interest rates. Bankia; six lungs for your and not even a pair of gills for me."