This is a nursery of 9 groups in a building developed on the ground floor. The building is located in the block defined by the streets Àlaba, Doctor Trueta, Pamplona and Ramon Turro, in the city of Barcelona. An equipment area is created on the western side of the block, following the existent location of the high school and completing it with the new center, reserving space for future green area to the east.
The nine classes are organized into two groups: a group of four classrooms for children 2 / 3 years old that defines the eastern façade and the five remaining classrooms for infants and for children 1 / 2 years old, defining the southern facade. The access to the courtyard is situated between these two volumes of classrooms. All classrooms have facade and direct access to the courtyard. The classrooms have two height levels, a higher one in contact with the facade and a lower one, where inner access is situated, as well as the water areas and bedrooms.
The multipurpose hall is situated as a central element, the highest volume that organizes the whole distribution scheme, with direct access to the classrooms of the 2 / 3 years old. The hall is connected to all areas of the center, and receives daylight through high windows, situated above the other volumes. Developing the volume of the school at different heights allows the natural lighting of all areas through high windows: this improves the natural lighting inside the classrooms.
Architect: M. Isabel Bennasar Félix.
Collaborators team: Corina Dindareanu, arquitecta. Structures: Manel Fernández , Bernuz-Fernández s.l.p. arquitectos. Facilities: Narcís Armengol, Armengol enginyers. Budget: Xavier Badia, technical surveyor.
Project date: Mars 2010,
Building trade
2010-2011, (start 2010, finished 2011)
Location: Calle Àlaba, esquina calle Ramón Turró, Barcelona. Sapin.
Client: Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona,
Builder : Construccions DECO S.A.
Gross area: 1080 m2.
Budget: 2.791.094 euros (iva incl.)