New façade for Ports 1961 Shanghai by UUfie

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Eiri Ota and Irene Gardpoit. UUfie

UUfie is a architecture firm by Eiri Ota and Irene Gardpoit, based in Toronto.

Eiri Ota (B.Arch., First Class Architect, Japan) Director and Principal Architect of UUfie, is a licensed architect in Japan who has experience working for cultural, residential and commercial projects. Born in Paris, France and educated and trained in Japan, he brings with him a highly-skilled and unique international perspective to the studio.

Irene Gardpoit (B.Arch., OAA, MRAIC) Director and Principal Architect of UUfie, is a licensed architect in Canada, with extensive experience in institutional, cultural and residential design. She has contributed to several major built and internationally recognized projects within her career featuring the integration of art, architecture, and landscape.



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