Industrial Building for Brigadas & Promedio Center by Estudio Arquitectura Hago

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Estudio Arquitectura Hago SL. Architect.- Antonio Álvarez-Cienfuegos Rubio.
Project Team
Cristina Barajas and Nuria Pérez.
Quantity surveyor .- Carlos Rubio Manso and José Joaquín Escribano. Engineer.- Luis Fernández Conejero. Structures.- Eliseo Pérez and Juan Ruiz.
Diputación de Badajoz.
Senpa SA.
First prize - contest.

Estudio Arquitectura HAGO

Estudio Arquitectura HAGO is a spanish office based in Madrid, practicing contemporary architecture, urbanism and design. The practice is a partnership led by Emilio Delgado-Martos and Antonio Álvarez-Cienfuegos Rubio. Emilio y Antonio established their office in Madrid in 2005, employing engineers, industrial designers, graphic designers, researchers and architects in close collaboration, intimately involved from the beginning of the design process.

Antonio Álvarez-Cienfuegos Rubio is architect since 2001 (ETSA-Sevilla). He has work in several offices such as Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos (Sevilla) and Alberto Campo Baeza (Madrid) In 2002 he joined Nuñez Ribot Arquitectos Asociados (Madrid) improving his personal knowledge in construction. In 2006 he developed an investigation about cities mastered by chairman Juan Herreros.

Emilio Delgado Martos is architect (2001, ETS Arquitectura, Madrid). He serves as lecturer in Graduate School of Architecture and Faculty of Fine Arts&Design (since 2006, UFV, Madrid).

In 2005 both founded Estudio Arquitectura Hago where they works on projects and competitions. After nearly 10 years of work and more than 90 projects, they are specialists in restoration, cultural spaces and heritage.

Collaborators since 2005.-

Fernando Alda (photographer), Jorge Almena (structures), Javier Bachiller Alonso, Javier Callejas Sevilla (photo), Javier Celaya Morón, Borja Fernández Florez, Pablo González Jiménez, Adriana Hernández García, Ignacio Herrero Frutos, Brigitte & Daniel Hollegha, Pablo Jiménez Gil, Rosa León Pérez, Graciano Macarrón Stamp, Javier Martínez Moronta, Carlos Pesqueira Calvo (photo), Alejandro Rico (structures), Carlos Rubio Manso (quantity surveyor), Andrés Rubio Morán (structures), Juan Pablo Ruiz Menéndez, Álvaro Sáez O'Farrell, Iago Sánchez Besteiro, Stefan Strohmeier, Andrés Toledo Domínguez, Rafael Úrculo Aramburu & Carlos Úrculo Cámara (facilities management).



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