This award-winning film by Marcel Meili and Christoph Schaub tells the story of 'Il Girasole', the rotating modernist house built into the Po Valley hillside in northern Italy. Affectionately termed 'The Sunflower', the house was built in the 1930s by architects Angelo Invernizzi and Ettore Fagiuoli, with the help of their artist, sculptor, designer and architect friends.
Powered by an electric motor, Il Girasole is able to rotate a full 360 degrees on its circular base, highly radical in the way that all the components of the house (including its courtyard) are part of the structure’s rotational sphere.
Powered by an electric motor, Il Girasole is able to rotate a full 360 degrees on its circular base, highly radical in the way that all the components of the house (including its courtyard) are part of the structure’s rotational sphere.
Il Girasole, A House Near Verona.
By Christoph Schaub and Marcel Meili.
DVD with booklet, hardcover, 48 pages, Italian with English, German and French subtitles.
Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2010.
EUR 35.00