Dates: Tuesday 6 November 2012, 19.00 h.
Opening lecture: Cuando la ciudad se quiere sostenible.
Sustainable city, intelligent city. How do these concepts were born? How are discussed and implemented by planners, architects, politicians? What really imply? The two voices introductory lecture will aim to explore these issues in order to highlight the major issues facing the city and introduce further discussions to be held throughout the month at the round tables.
Dr Ramon Folch Guillèn, Doctor en biología, Socio Ecólogo, Presidente de ERF (Estudi Ramon Folch & Associats), Vicepresidente del “Consell Consultiu de l'Hàbitat Urbà” del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.
Philippe Madec, Profesor de Arquitectura, Miembro de la Academia de Arquitectura, Director del “Bureau du Corps des Architectes Conseil de l'Etat”.