The design's main aim was to detach itself from the existing exhibition space, to unite the exhibition design and the information and, at the same time, suggest the added value of experienced space. Therefore, the exhibition design stands for content, image and material at the same time and it is planned to be reused in the future. The graphic design was carried out by Austrian art office zunder zwo.
Description of project by the architects
By means of simplicity square timbers were piled up to create a kind of “shelf-system”. This can be used as interactive space.
Two interlocking dimensions of square wood created two different layers that are simultaneously carrier of information and carrier of functions. Even though the interlocking and interfering of the two structures seems complex, at the end of the day the simplicity of the pile remains visible to the least detail. Also, the piles change their directions so as to guarantee stability.
The square timbers dissolve the 2 dimensionality of the space into 3 dimensional layers, further they allow visual impressions by means of integrated and fragmented pictures.
The exhibition shows urbanspatial events and is at the same time a spatial event by itself. Graphic contents and pictures merge with the wooden structure; integrated "Voices of the Citizens" (O-Töne) and possible interventions of the visitors in the exhibition confirm the process-oriented character of the exhibition.
The lettering of the exhibition logo is, like the exhibition itself, composed of basic shapes created by Zunder zwo. It includes the components variability, possibility of redesign as well as “thinking different”. In the end building culture is a materially visible result as well as an immaterial experienced added value of actors in the urban context.
Also the simplicity of the material is part of the concept. It is planned to be reused after the end of the exhibition.
Architects/exhibition designers.- heri&salli / miss_vdr architektur.
Team.- Alexandra Tiligadi, Klaus Molterer.
Exhibition grafics.- ZunderZwo.
Exhibition.- from september 2014 till december 2014.
Client.- City of Vienna / MA19.
Building company.- StahlundForm / Vienna.
Curators.- Volker Dienst, Barbara Feller, Antje Lehn, Robert Temel.
Concept.- Sibylle Bader – Wanderklasse-Verein für BauKulturVermittlung, Sabine Gstöttner – inspirin, Theresia Frass und Nikola Winkler – Raumschule.
Exhibition satellite and concept photo contest.- feld72, nonconform, inspirin.
Illustration.- Fraukes Welt.
Documentation and editorial.- Manuela Hötzl.