Under the title Electricidad, zapatos, plumas y Benidorm (Electricity, shoes, feathers and Benidorm) the exhibition displays 16 images that capture the artist's peculiar and rich universe. A skeptical and vitriolic vision of the reality around him, the world of travel, consumption, fair, leisure, artificial paradises where life takes an unknown dimension... Canut looks at codes and social norms from an unusual point of view and presents them according to very personal aesthetic codes.
His first incursion into the world of visual creation took place as part of the artistic selection curated by gallery director Ascension Amaro, in a new art project focused on spreading artistic creation through social media.
According to the curator,
"Nacho is gifted with a sharp eye that allows him to turn into cutting-edge art anything he touches. His background and influences include London's 'punk', the 'chanson française', 'trash', La Codorniz's sarcasm or Berlanga's films. His images show his subtle irony and illustrate a social exercise fraught with poignant second readings."
Dates.- From 4th April until 12th May 2014.
Venue.- Espacio Charada. Jardines, 2. Bilbao. Spain.