The closest I have ever been to paradise, is a selection of photographies taken by Alberto García Alix for more than 15 years during his visits to Pitiusas islands. His images have the ability to bring the sounds and smells from the most pure Mediterranean sea. Freedom and hedonism usually in his photographis are found here too.
Book include 64 black and white photographies that have been taken in Balears Islands between 1994 and 2010. García-Alix portrait memories and figures that marked him along this time. The book is completed with the texts by Aina Calvo, Es Baluard Fundation president ; Cristina Ros, museum director ; Nicolás Combarro, curator of the exhibition and Alberto García-Alix.
The closest I have ever been to paradise. Alberto García-Alix
Monday 21 February , 20.00 h.
La Librería de La Fábrica (C/ Verónica, 13. Madrid).
Free admission