Carolina University – I Phase by Manuel Martínez, Alejandro Madero and Yolanda Ceballos

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Design team
Cris González, Gina Cantú.
1,300 sqm.
Construction.- 2015 - 2016.
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.

Manuel Martínez Rodríguez. Taller Arquitectónico

Taller Arquitectónico is a young architecture workshop founded by Manuel Martínez Rodríguez (Mexico City, 1983) based in Monterrey, Mexico, where he leads a work team dedicated to the analysis and research on space, architectural and constructive experimentation and the analysis of the city.

Taller Arquitectónico also promotes the dissemination of architectural culture by organizing the Cine CASA (Community, Architecture, Society and Learning) Cycle Architecture Film Festival, and the bimonthly newspaper AMMA, specialized in the analysis of architectural projects.

Alejandro José Madero Ramón. RoMA 212

Alejandro José Madero Ramón, Founder architect and Director of RoMA 212 Creative House, a division of Apodaca Group, formed by a team of architects and designers focused on creating experiences.

They are dedicated to the development of alternative solutions, based on experiential design research with unique concepts for each project from its conception, manufacture, and operation.

Specialized in design and production for the live and digital events industry, planning of massive projects, such as music festivals, experiential brand marketing, industrial design, architectural and interior design.

Yolanda Ceballos

Yolanda Ceballos studied Architecture at the Technological Institute of Monterrey (ITESM). Worked with the architects Mauricio Rocha in Mexico City and with Agustín Landa in Monterrey. Was beneficiary of the FONCA Program for Young Creators 2018 - 2019 in sculpture. 

In 2013 and 2017 she received the Programa de Estímulo a la Creación Artística (PECDA) fellowship in Nuevo León, for the young creators category. Participated in the 5th edition of the Bancomer MACG program. Her last solo show was Cinco de Septiembre de Dos mil Dieciseis (Galeria Hilario Galguera, 2019).

She has participated in different exhibitions like: Modos de ver, (Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, 2018); La nueva onda del silencio (El cuarto de máquinas, Mexico City, 2017); XII Bienal FEMSA, Poéticas del decrecimiento, ¿Cómo vivir mejor con menos? (CONARTE, Monterrey, 2016); Arte Emergente, Bienal Nacional de Monterrey (CONARTE, Monterrey, 2015). 



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