On a human-scale workspace. Office building for administration, by Ekkehard Voss

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Tchoban Voss Architekten. Lead Architect.- Ekkehard Voss.
Associate partner.- Christoph Kluesserath.
Project leader.- Nils Hoepken.
Project team
Johannes Galandi, Christian Herbst, Magdalena Hohaus, Torsten Neuberger, Alexander Off, Sergei Ovechkin.
Project management.- Kreis Segeberg - Der Landrat, Bad Segeberg.
Landscaping.- Vera vom Kothen Landschaftsarchitektur, Hamburg.
Structural engineering.- Krone Ingenieure GmbH, Berlin.
Building equipment.- Kofler Energies Ingenieurgesellschaft mbh, Kiel.
Thermal insulation certificate.- WEA – Weist Energieberater Architekt, Hamburg.
Kreis Segeberg - Der Landrat (district administration).
5,623 sqm.
Rosenstrasse 28, 23795 Bad Segeberg.

Ekkehard Voss

Ekkehard Voss (born in 1963) is an architect from the RWTH Aachen. His first years as professional he worked in BHLM and in Düsseldorf. In 1992 he started to work for Nietz Prasch Sigl Architekten and become partner in 1995 with Sergei Tchoban. In 2017 they changed the name of the firm to TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten GmbH. Voss is who heads the offices in Hamburg and Dresden.

He is specialized in residential and educational buildings, office and retail spaces and development of existing buildings. Voss has been recognized and award-winning with numerous of his projects such as: Deutscher Fassadenpreis 2012 -Brillux, Jubliaums-Fassadenpreis 2016-Brillux, Iconic Awards 2016. He represents the office TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten as a member of EAN (European Architects Network).

Sergei Tchoban, Ekkehard Voss. Tchoban Voss Architekten

Tchoban Voss Architekten is a German architecture firm, founded by Sergei Tchoban, Ekkehard Voss, that have developed construction projects all over Germany as well as in Russia, Turkey and the Arabian countries. They develop, draft, plan and build for both regional and international clients, in the public and private sector.

In addition to residential and business buildings, they focus on planning hotels, trade facilities, office complexes, leisure time facilities, schools, educational and social facilities, as well as reconstructions and revitalizations of historical monuments.

They have been providing all architectural services − from interior architecture to general planning − ever since they went into business.




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