‘Selling the Dwelling’: ‘The Books That Built America’s Houses, 1775-2000’, is an interesting exhibition on view Grolier Club in Manhattan, that explores how over 200 rare books, periodicals, drawings, builder’s guides, pattern books, catalogues, and other forms of architectural literature, how the idea of “A Home for All” was marketed in the United States.
"Organized by Richard Cheek, an architectural photographer and visual-history editor, the show offers innumerable other examples of the housing industry’s braiding of mythic imagination and commercial calculation... It’s an epic, richly rewarding intellectual journey. "
Ken Johnson, The New York Times.
Venue.- Grolier Club. 47 East 60th Street, Manhattan.New York, NY 10022
Dates.- Running through February 7, 2014.
BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK is January 21-25, 2014. "Bibliography Week" happens each year in New York City at the end of January when the principal national organizations devoted to book history have their annual meetings. Other groups plan interesting events, too, since so many bibliophiles are in town. Some events are open to members only, but mostly you are encouraged to show up everywhere: get a sense of what is going on in the book world, hear some interesting papers, schmooze over cocktails ... Visit www.grolierclub.org for a link to the 2014 schedule of Bibliography Week events.